The “No Soros Money In New Hampshire” Fairy Tale

I can picture the ruling class progressives telling a bedtime story to their one, adopted, Eastern-European, designer-child. It’s about the evil Koch Brothers and how they used their ‘dark-money’ magic to battle the brave Obama and his Knights of the redistribution round table.

Obama wanted to help the peasants create a workers paradise with wage equality and free contraception but the Koch’s, leading their army of TEA Partiers, just wanted…

You can finish it.

Another fairy tale told by New Hampshire Democrats is the absence of money from the pockets of currency manipulator George Soros. I came across the meme on Twitter the other day. Kimberly Morin, who writes for, was sharing an exchange with several @Democrat Twitter Handles as well as that of Marilinda Garcia, a Republican candidate for congress. One of the @Democrats challenged Kimberly to name Soros funded Activism in New Hampshire.

I had a list.

For Starters, the Democrat Party.  Soros donates to Democrats. Back in 2007 Soros gave directly to Democrat’s Carol Shea-Porter and Paul Hodes.  He now does this through proxies, but his money trickles down into every state to fund Democrat activism.

Democracy Alliance, USA Action, and Progress Now are all funded by Soros. That means that both Granite State Progress (hi Zandra!), and New Hampshire Citizens Alliance and the NHCAA (Sarah Chaisson Warner) get Soros money (to do their out-of-state funded local progressive activism).

Soros donates to the American Federation of Teachers. The AFT is best known (aside from being another jack-booted union advancing the Democrat agenda) as the Pro-education, pro- children’s union in New Hampshire that sent out a legislative questionnaire to state reps in 2012 that included no questions about children or education.

Who else gets Soros Money. George funds Act Blue, America Votes, the ACLU, Citizens for Responsibility & Ethics, the Center for Reproductive Rights, Common Cause, EMILY’s List (Jeanne Shaheen’s single biggest donor ever), OFA. Yes! OFA is brought to you in part by money from George Soros. The Human Rights Campaign. JStreet (big donors to Shea-Porter and Kuster). The League of Women voters (instrumental in messing up NH Domicile law). NARAL. Planned Parenthood. Project Vote. The Progressive State’s Network, and others, all of whom have a presence or footprint in New Hampshire or the pockets of elected Democrats up and down the ticket.

Yes, non-resident voters from Virginia. There is Soros money in New Hampshire.

And we should expect to see money from “American Bridge to the 21st Century,” G-Money Soros’ Super PAC, to find its way into New Hampshire. And that’s all fine. I’m not protesting any of that. I am observing that New Hampshire Democrats have been trained by their Progressive masters to believe that big money in politics is bad. That it only happens on the right. But this is no less true than that you can keep your plan or your doctor, or that Benghazi was the result of a YouTube video.

The People’s Promise, which Shaheen and the Democrats are now talking about as if it is more important than a Senate Democrat destroying the health care system, does nothing to prevent third-party money from working for a candidate in other ways.  It merely asks that candidate to promise to donate a sum equal to half the outside spending to some charity of their opponent’s choosing.

How easy would it be to move money around to offset any actual costs associated with third-party ads under the faux ‘People’s Promise?’ Easier than convincing your Democrat base that there is no George Soros money in New Hampshire.

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