Obligatory – UNH Had to Have 25 Million More Taxpayer Dollars For Students and Education…or Something.

New unh-logo_emblem
Look What $65K buys you at UNH – A Logo for their new $25 million dollar Stadium.

New Hampshire Democrats cried like lost children when the O’Brein legislature cut some of the public funding to UNH, as did UNH (naturally),  so one of their first priorities for teary-eyed Democrats when they took back the House was to waste 25 million dollars of our money by giving it back to UNH.

The emotional narrative for justifying a 25 million dollar hit to taxpayers in a stagnant economy was so they could give it to the deep-pocketed UNH, was to insist we had some kind of collective obligation to students and higher education… or something.

Here.  UNH chief lobbyist President Mark Huddleston shares the narrative, as if he were reading it off Harrel Kirstein’s NHDP propaganda palm card…

“We also take great pride in our partnership with the state, and we are committed to ensuring that every dollar of state funding restored to our budget will be directed to freezing in-state tuition, enhancing student aid to offset fee increases, and providing additional scholarships for our state’s and highest-achieving students.”

Today, the Union Leader is reporting that UNH, coincidentally, just happens to have $20 million ‘saved’ which they will spend on a new 25 million dollar stadium.  (They will fund-raise the difference.)

Democrats wailed like the abandoned wives of lepers over the original cut, then wailed like the orphaned children of the deceased wives of lepers over the desperate need to return funding, after which UNH just happens to have 20 million “sitting around” for a major capital improvement like a new athletic stadium?

I know.  It’s a different $20 million, right?

As for where the other $5 million, that probably went to cover this stuff.

SO what’s the emotional plea in response?

“Democrats turn their backs on working families to buy new sports stadium for cronies at a wealthy University.”

.or something.

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