HB474 just passed the NH House, which would provide illegal immigrants the benefit of in-state tuition rates, provided they have attended 3 years of NH High School and have been domiciled in NH, and “promise” to gain legal residency.
The Roll Call for this bill shows that one of *my* Republican Reps, Bob Willette, voted “YEA”.
I am shocked and in disbelief why Rep. Willette and a handful of other “Republicans” voted for such utter nonsense.
- Gargasz, Carolyn Republican Hillsborough 27 Yea (no shock here)
- Khan, Aboul Republican Rockingham 20 Yea
- Kidder, David Republican Merrimack 05 Yea
- Ladd, Rick Republican Grafton 04 Yea
- Lockwood, Priscilla Republican Merrimack 09 Yea
- Shackett, Jeffrey Republican Grafton 09 Yea
- Takesian, Charlene Republican Hillsborough 37 Yea
- Willette, Robert Republican Hillsborough 23 Yea
Illegal Immigrants, as much as their plight may tug at the heartstrings of some, are here “illegally”, skirting the process that so many others wait years to complete LEGALLY. This bill only further sanctions this behavior and will drive up the cost of going to in-state universities.
Question: Can residents of other states or illegal immigrants from across the OTHER 49 States sign the affidavit that HB474 allows, promising that “they will eventually” become a legal resident of New Hampshire and the US? What is stopping them (by the thousands) if this becomes law?
Shame on these “Republicans” who voted for this despicable bill, awarding illegal immigrants, while the Democrat party simultaneously tries to pass laws that punish law-abiding US/NH citizens (HB1589).
These Republicans should be driven out of office.
If Mr. Willette had an email address, I would include him on this message. So, I will call him instead. I do not plan to ever vote for him again, should he run.
Lastly, I hereby publicly challenge Jennifer Horn and the NH GOP to take steps to admonish and censure these 8 members for violating their State and National Party Platforms:
NH GOP 2012 Platform [Federalism]: “Strengthen national border security; enforce immigration laws; oppose any form of amnesty for illegal aliens; define trespass to include illegal presence in New Hampshire“
The GOP, and the NHGOP, are on their last legs. Unless the Party does something about these Republicans, who choose to violate the platform at all levels, they will likely lose any last shred of credibility they might have, with those who are either not paying attention, or are in a state of pathological, Stockholm Syndrome-esque denial.