On the Left No Point Of Reference But Prejudice - Granite Grok

On the Left No Point Of Reference But Prejudice

fish out of waterThe left, particularly the far left, knows nothing about Conservatives because most of them do not know any. None of their friends, none of the people they work with, no one they hang out with or talk to, is anything but an ideological duplicate of themselves. Yes, they might mingle with people on the right, but the correct terms for that are troll, tracker, and stalker.

As evidence of this, let me offer an example.

Liberal columnist Richard Cohen, in attempting to express his perception of our perception about the family of newly elected New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Today’s GOP is not racist, as Harry Belafonte alleged about the tea party,” Cohen said, “but it is deeply troubled — about the expansion of government, about immigration, about secularism, about the mainstreaming of what used to be the avant-garde. People with conventional views must repress a gag reflex when considering the mayor-elect of New York — a white man married to a black woman and with two biracial children. (Should I mention that Bill de Blasio’s wife, Chirlane McCray, used to be a lesbian?) This family represents the cultural changes that have enveloped parts — but not all — of America. To cultural conservatives, this doesn’t look like their country at all.”

Cohen got tossed under the bus by the left because they thought he was expressing his own thoughts. News Flash! He doesn’t have any. And he was just expressing the liberal mind with regard to political opponents, which his no-information progressive counterparts misinterpreted. But that was not my point. My point was the difference between what Liberals claim conservatives believe and what they really believe. Being an actual Conservative, I feel qualified to clarify. Here’s the relevant part of Cohen’s quote.  I have highlighted in bold the only words that matter to me.

“…when considering the mayor-elect of New York — a white man married to a black woman and with two biracial children. (Should I mention that Bill de Blasio’s wife, Chirlane McCray, used to be a lesbian?) This family represents the cultural changes that have enveloped parts — but not all — of America. To cultural conservatives, this doesn’t look like their country at all.”

To cultural conservatives,  Richard Cohen looks like a guy who got his information from the copy on the back of a box of Progressive O’s or at any one of many staff meetings or cocktail parties at which there has never been an actual conservative. Cohen can only speak from his own prejudice and he has plenty.

As for the new mayor of the Big Apple, I doubt Bill and I agree on much politically, but we do appear to agree that you should marry the mother of your children, stay married to them, and raise them together. This is better for all parties concerned, and none of that other stuff matters, at least not to me. None of it is anyone else’s business, and it certainly should not be the government’s business.

You see, Mr. Cohen, when we say limited government and personal responsibility, we mean it.

But that is not how the left works.

To Democrats everything is political. Everything is a talking point, an opportunity for rhetoric, a wedge issue to develop in pursuit of power and the expansion of the state. When he looks at the de Blasio family his bigotry toward the right kicks in.

When I look at the de Blasio family photo, I see what appears to be a happy couple with some great looking kids who have and will benefit from being raised in a stable home in which they are cared for and loved. The politics of it do not even occur to me because politics has no business there.

Democrats and axe-grinders like Cohen jump through hoops of their own making to arrive at conclusions that fit their worldview but have little to do with reality. They see opportunities for division because division creates gaps which Liberals then fill with the power of the state. Whether it is race, gender, occupation, wages, religion, national origin, diet, income, the left has a beef. They even have a beef about beef.

Conservatives see human potential at varying stages and grasp the simple notion that while we are all different, even when we share a gender, national origin, occupation, religious belief, or income level, there are constants that apply to every human being. We are flawed creatures many of whom can and do seek the path of least resistance. We fall down, some of us more than others. But we all have great potential. Potential we must realize for ourselves. Potential that cannot be managed by distant bureaucrats and that more often than not requires falling down to be discovered and truly realized. Potential that needs space to run and the guidance of family friends and faith, regardless of where they came from or what they look like.

Limited and local government, property rights, and rule of law, leave us free to define the other parts of our lives for ourselves and to accept responsibility for them.  We learn to realize true need and to create association to address them.  We set relevant boundaries for suitable public behavior at every level from the kitchen table to the conference room table, and establish reasonable local solutions to deal with those who slip up or simply refuse to comply with a few simple rules.

Are there still people in the world who obsess over sex and race and origin to the point of an unhealthy excess? Yes. Most of them are Democrats, Liberals or Progressives.

Are there people who are uncomfortable outside their little bubbles? Yes. Most of them are also Democrats, Liberals, and Progressives.

Do some people object to others based solely on race or gender, yes. Black on white crime, especially rape, is astronomically higher than the opposite.

The majority of all crime committed in this nation is perpetrated by people who are predominantly Democrat voters. Most mass shootings are committed by registered or left leaning Democrats. The majority of blacks murdered are killed by Democrat voters.

That is not prejudice; it is statistical fact.

But that will never penetrate the minds of the ruling class elites and their propaganda ministers. It is incomprehensible for them to grasp how Conservatives are not obsessed with the things they are, are not constantly thinking about what makes us different. Or how not being obsessed with these things might coincide with the fact that they are more likely to be self-sufficient, married to the mother of their children, faithful to their spouse, grounded in a moral foundation, more liable to give of themselves, and more interested in local control and personal responsibility. These people don’t want to destroy the government, they just don’t need as much of it.  And if it were up to them, they’d just like the Federal government to leave them alone so they can fix things that need fixing their way, on their time, with their money.

What do we get instead? Busy body liberals who think they know us, and therefore what is best for us. But that could not be further from a truth that is revealed every time someone like Cohen opens their mouth.

How can people who are so wrong about who other people are, or about what they think and believe, have a clue about what is right for anyone or everyone? They can’t. Even those who might have a clue should know enough not to try. Not from any great distance at the very least.

By the way, speaking of clueless liberal mouth-pieces, Oprah is back. That’s right. She’s telling the BBC that America has contempt for Obama because he’s black.  It’s that whole we hate him because of the color of his skin thing all over again. I guess the same way we had contempt for Colin Powell (first Black Sec of State), Condoleeza Rice (first black woman Sec of State), Mike Steele, Dr. Ben Carson, Justice Clarence Thomas, Walter Williams, Herman Cain, all the other black Americans who, oh wait–they were not just disliked but truly hated, with mountains of contempt by Democrats, and still are.

And sorry Oprah (and all you ideologically incestuous liberals), I don’t hate Obama (I don’t hate anyone). I don’t hate Obama because he is black, half-black, or half-white either, which, as I recall, was a huge problem for many a black American during the 2008 campaign against Hillary.

No. My issues with Obama are his incompetence, his arrogance, his socialist central planning obsession; the lying, the attacks, the spying, the drone strikes, the kill list, the enemies list, the giving guns to drug lords, calling terrorist attacks work-place-violence, his handling of the economy, the devaluation of the currency, the complete lack of transparency, the blatant hypocrisy and contradiction, the billions handed out to cronies and Democrat supporters, the abuse of executive privilege, the lobbyists he hired, the IRS scandal, the Benghazi coverup, his energy policy, the waste, fraud, abuse,  attacks on people’s religious conscience, the lawsuits against sovereign states, his blatant racism, voter fraud, the constant campaigning, did I mention the lying, and the complete disinterest in leadership or responsibility, the finger pointing, the intimidation, and to get back on topic, his being a lot like Richard Cohen.

The nation has diminished significantly under this administration. There is no way to hide that. You can accuse those of us willing to state the obvious of hate, racism, bigotry, whatever you want, but that is not us, that is you, Democrats, and it always has been. You are the party of death, slavery, the KKK, segregation, Jim Crow, and now entitlement dependency. You have always had a plantation, and people you want on it, and you will say, do, believe anything, to control the actions and behavior of others, and lying and ignorance are always on the menu. And it just keeps getting worse.

To borrow Susan Olsen’s Notable Quote from Vaclav Havel this morning.

“Because the regime is captive to its own lies, it must falsify everything. It falsifies the past. It falsifies the present,and it falsifies the future. It falsifies statistics … It pretends to fear nothing. It pretends to pretend nothing.” – 1979

Conservatives? We don’t want much. We’d like a few laws to keep order, some low taxes to keep the roads cleared and the local disputes disputed; and we want the ability to defend the rights and property of all citizens equally. But almost everything else, well, we’d rather you just left us alone to live our lives. Please.
