NH AG Announces Indictment for Wrongful Voting…

This just popped up in my in-box…

Attorney General Joseph A. Foster announces that Lorin C. Schneider, Jr., of Carver, Massachusetts has been indicted by the Hillsborough County, Northern District, Grand Jury for wrongful voting in violation of RSA 659:34, I (e).  The State alleges that on November 6, 2012, during the Presidential Election, Schneider voted in the Ward 9 polling place in Manchester.  At the time Schneider was domiciled in Carver, Massachusetts where it appears he has lived for over two decades.

The indictment follows a yearlong investigation.  Additional charges are expected.  Wrongful voting is a class B felony carrying a maximum sentence of 3½ – 7 years and a $4,000 fine.

Two decades.  Is that the standard for mobile domicile?  Alysha Tierney lived most of her life in Ludlow MA, registered to vote there continuously since 2009 and double registered to vote in New Hampshire in Nov. 2012.  Shouldn’t she be under investigation?

I guess we’ll see.  In the mean time. we are happy to see any illegal voting investigated.  We’ll get back to you on any details as they become available.

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