Common Core : Opposition is gaining steam, as more of us learn what it’s about and see the ugliness it brings to the American system of education; but more attention and action is required, before it’s too late…
It’s pretty well established that the quality of our kids’ education has degraded over the past few decades, in spite of the massive amount of money we throw at it. Whether it be the cultural dominance of celebrity and sport over academics, general moral decay, lack of choice and competition, lack of teacher accountability, and/or the increased influence of unions, our schools are not what they used to be.
Yet, in classic and expected fashion, liberals constantly screech that we need to “spend more” on education (I guess Obama’s $93B stimulus wasn’t enough for them).
But while The Left gnash their teeth about low spending and The Right gnash their teeth about unions and high spending, top-down, intrusive, Federally-masterminded Common Core quietly gains ground, entrenching itself, with the goal of a complete takeover of education in America.
WARNING: The rest of this article will make your head explode…
Like Bush’s No Child Left Behind (yet far more aggressive) and Obama’s other unconstitutional program, Race To The Top, Common Core is another attempt at managing our lives from Washington DC, tinkering with society in the name of “doing something”. It also facilitates the Marxists’ dreams of indoctrinating the youth of our nation through a single, integrated pipeline. Sure, they throw the term “State Standards” around when talking about it but, in true Soviet-style, they really intend to take the States – and local districts – out of the equation when it comes to defining standards, curriculum, and content.
If you fear and despise Agenda 21 and Obama’s Sustainable Communities Act, from the perspective of top-down, centralized “planning” and environmental management, then you need to pay equal attention to Common Core; because when they succeed in taking over the education system, the game is truly over (Note: 45 States have already adopted, including New Hampshire, so we’re pretty close).
Here’s a very specific and real example why Common Core is bad for our children – and our society.
There are thousands like it…I’ll be sure to provide more at a later time.
What do you think is missing from this 8th grade lesson?
Do you see anything about business, production, or entrepreneurs here, or are “Government Programs” the sole provider and creator of jobs and investors in an economy?
This simplistic flowchart clearly gives the 13 year old student the false impression that taxes and government are the super-majority of what makes a society and an economy run.
Pay close attention to what your kids bring home from school these days – you might see something like this, or worse.
H/T: AMB and SC State Senator Tom Davis’ Facebook page