Membership Has Its Rewards – Just Ignore The Part That Violates State Law

In what appears to be a “Head them off at the Pass” move by Merrimack School superintendent Marge Chiafery, tonight’s school board meeting includes a visit from…Ted Comstock, the executive director of the NH School Board’s Association (NHSBA), and Barrett Christina, a NHSBA staff attorney to discuss “NHSBA Membership Benefits”

This conjugal visit from the New Hampshire educational-industrial complex hive-mind at the  NHSBA comes just two weeks after the district had to admit that it was paying dues to the NHSBA in violation of NH state law.  The suspicion is that this is meant to emphasize all the good things we get from the NHSBA before anyone tries to cut the dues out of the school budget; to essentially lay the ground work for justifying any additional expenses placed on taxpayers so that we could continue to pay dues…you know, because of all those great benefits.

It is important to point out that just about everyone agrees that there are some benefits, what they object to is the NHSBA lobbying the legislature.  Keep the benefits, stop the lobbying.

The Meeting is tonight at 7:30 in the Merrimack Town Hall Meeting Room.

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