Transportation Archives - Granite Grok


Trucker truckers long haul original Photo by Taylor on Unsplash

Science Once Again Punches Net Zero In Its Stupid Face

As Maine considers following Massachusetts and Vermont down the California EV, NetZero ***! Hole, the science, and a handful of people with some common sense have stepped in to say, slow the hell down. Electrifying trucks comes with some serious downsides.

Pete Buttigieg Norwich Bulletin pic no longer found

Bad Roll, Or Bad Transportation Secretary

Typically, the average American does not know who the Transportation Secretary is. Still, in the last two years, our Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg, has been front and center far too often. We have had seven significant transportation-related situations during Pete’s watch. He has not handled any well.

Pete Buttigieg Norwich Bulletin pic no longer found

Racist Roads

If inequity in transportation infrastructure looks like a distraction, it is. A made-up thing that, if it were real, would be the result of Democrat rule, which makes the Left spearheading so-called remedies that much more ridiculous.

rail bridge broken infrastructure

Our Infrastructure is Broken

The Biden administration has passed some huge spending bills in two years, and in the thousands of pages accounting for trillions of dollars were many line items that addressed the infrastructure.

Southwest Airlines Logo

I’m Flying Southwest……Maybe

Southwest Airlines grew from a start-up carrier back in 1967 to become the number-one airline in 2018. From that famous line in their early commercials, “more champagne?” to their catchphrase today, “your flight has been canceled.”

Classic car headlight original Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Fossil Free World is Folly

The idea of being out of “gas-guzzling” cars and trucks and into battery-operated vehicles by 2035 is foolish enough. The thought that our military can be carbon neutral at the same time is not only folly but is so dangerous to our national security that whoever utters such foolishness should be charged with treason. That …

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