I Aint No Ways Tired – (Obama Edition)

Obama, the not-post partisan, not post-racial, southern accent pandering, division broadening, buddy-buddy with Reverend Wright, race war starting candidate from 2007. Link to Daily Caller posted video Transcript link of prepared remarks lifted from Hot Air.

Making Racists As Needed

MSDNC talking head Toure (Toure’ Too-Rah!) is  a race pimp, or at the very least a race-baiter.    If there was any room for debate about that, he has recently removed all doubt.

Waxing leftist-philosophic on the Aurora Massacre

I would hope that it would be something like a Trayvon Martin situation that would make people think, ‘Wow. wrongful death, even though it’s a legal gun owner. How do we move forward from this situation?’ But so much of this issue, I think comes down to, ‘Let’s make sure law abiding white people are able to have access to guns and make sure that black criminals are not and that becomes part of the locus of the problem.

How about, let us make sure law abiding people have access to guns and criminals do not?  The law protects the rights of self defense for everyone, not that Toure’ would care.  He is too busy in this instance making racist hay and being racist himself, all at the same time.

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