
The Hodes campaign has made its priorities clear.  I’m referring to the attack ads on Republican primary candidate Kelly Ayotte, whom they have for whatever reason anointed as the primary winner.   What does this tell us about Paul Hodes?  Nothing we did not already know. He intends to distort the facts in pursuit of … Read more

Ayotte’s New Fan Page On Facebook

There’s a new facebook page up with the unoriginal goal of making Kelly Ayotte look goofy.  It’s called Kelly Ayatch.  The page features a rather unflattering picture of Kelly Ayotte with an angry look.  And Kelly’s favorite television show…Rachel Maddow.  And this may come as a surprise but several of the four Kelly Ayatch friends, like Barack Obama.  The page’s first friend … Read more

J.U. Hey!

The JUA money grab is back in the news.  A group is blasting Kelly Ayotte and John Lynch for trying to balance the budget with 110 million from a fund created by the state but filled with money from the pockets of doctors who were forced by law to contribute to it.  The thinking goes … Read more

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