
8 Ways to Become a Better Entrepreneur

It might be easier than ever to start a new business, even without any resources, but that doesn’t mean that all entrepreneurial ventures are going to succeed. From e-commerce stores to creative outlets, there are more opportunities than ever for those that want to work for themselves, but it remains challenging to ensure that those … Read more

Hassan-a-Saurous Bugetus Excalmitous Ignoramus Overexaggeratus

Chess Move

Grant Bosse has a great piece over at NH Watchdog that addresses the hyperbole of New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan on the state budget and its priorities.  Hassan has decided to ignore the striking similarities between her budget, the House version, and the Senate version, and has instead chosen to release her talking points to the professional left so they will be equipped to shout down anyone who dares point out the obvious.

Quoting Grant…

My colleague Joshua-Elliott Traficante at the Josiah Bartlett Center finds that the governor’s budget, the House budget, and the budget up for debate by the full Senate this week have nearly identical priorities for the critical areas that Hassan claims are at risk.

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