Les Otten Balsams

Balsams’ Boondoggle: Does Les Otten Have a New Scam Going?

Yesterday, the Caledonian reported that the Balsams was up for sale.  You remember the ongoing saga of the Balsams, where failed Maine ‘entrepreneur’ Les Otten was demanding New Hampshire taxpayers back his multi-million $$ boondoggle through legislation sought by nitwitted legislators from both sides of the aisle? Groksters wrote many articles about the adventures of … Read more

More Balsams Bailout

As a bill that would allow tax payer funded bailouts passed the NH House we discover the details of the financing agreement behind the boondoggle the bill was meant to fund in the first place.    

GrokTALK! – Balsams And Bailouts And Boondoggles, Oh My!

Senate Bill 30 makes changes to state law that could allow a never ending series of taxpayer backed bailouts of private ventures.  The first of these, which is what motivated the legislation, is the Balsams Bailout- a time-share resort / Money pit.  Kimberly Morin sat through the hearing for the bill and gives us an … Read more

GrokTALK! Casinos, Carry Bills, and Bond Ratings

Is NH on the cusp of a Casino Gambling embrace? What are the odds we’ll finally pass constitutional carry? And could a bill in the Legislature damage the state’s bond rating and open the door to an endless string of taxpayer backed bailouts?  

GrokTALK! April 25th, 2015

David Bozell from ForAmerica joined us to talk about bad tax policy and how almost everyone in Washington is to blame; Ed Naile updates us on the complete lack of ballot integrity in NH and how the AG and SoS are not just to blame they work to keep it that way;  Kimberly Morin shares … Read more

GrokTALK! April 4th, 2015

This week our guests are Phil Kerpen from American Commitment, Ed Naile has a voter fraud update, Storm chaser Ron Moore joins us, Kimberly Morin calls in on what looks like a local crony bailout, and Mark Osbourne talks taxpayers and budgets v. Union pressure and intimidation.  

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