The Diversity Hire

It has already started—Harris worship. I guess it was inevitable. Democrats were desperate to escape the down-ballot disaster they expected with Joe Biden at the top of the ticket. His departure from the 2024 race offers relief akin to a pause in prolonged torture. Wow, it feels so good not to be in as much pain as I was a moment ago. And into this gap, we see observers announcing that Harris was always more qualified. One remark I read claimed she was overqualified.

Kamala is none of those things. She is a brown-skinned woman of black-ish, Asian-ish decent and an albatross the Bidenistas wanted to offload, but according to reporting from OMG,

Charlie Kraiger, who worked in the Executive Office of the President … said, “She [Kamala] couldn’t keep black staff. They quit on her en masse.”

Their quandary Biden was in with replacing Harris was the visual of removing “the first black lady to be vice president from the G-ddamn presidential ticket.”

No brown people in the brown president’s west wing? Not very diverse.

But Democrats appear stuck with Kamala—the black-ish, Asian-ish presidential candidate, because, like the Biden White House, they can’t be seen evicting her. It looks bad. And sad.

They never wanted Biden until the DNC gave them no other options, so accepting Kamala as the 2024 version can’t be too difficult a leap. But I do not believe she is the President the DNC insiders and power players were looking for. The difference, and (I think) it’s critically important, is that Biden’s mental decline predated 2020. They knew he could be managed if they could drag him across a finish line and keep him upright. Aids and confidants could make policy happen through him. They can’t do that with Harris. She is a train wreck, and her tenure as VP is littered with the detritus of her incompetence, in whose wake there is little but chaos, and this is no secret.

Welcome to your Diversity Hire, which was already backed by the Clintons, and that should give Kamala pause. They have thrown their considerable weight behind moving convention delegates her way (she is rumored to have enough already), and I’d guess, in return, expect some say about who her Vice President is. Knowing how the Clintons operate, my guess is that their VP is the one they want to be president. Kamala is just a mule.

Imagine stealing an election to put a woman of color into the White House and then having her killed. I wouldn’t put it past the Clintons; no one wants Kamala to be in charge of anything before or after the election, but again, they have no choice.

And if Joe does die before November (there are rumors he is very unwell), it’s all academic at that point. She’ll do it for Joe, which is good for Republicans. Joe was terrible, and she is worse. The only open question is, does the GOP find a way to screw this up?

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