To The Dover School Board - The Public Pity Party about Personal Choices (Pornography) - Granite Grok

To The Dover School Board – The Public Pity Party about Personal Choices (Pornography)

Dover school kids need taxpayer porn

The circus that ensued at the last SB meeting was ridiculous to watch the public pity party about personal choices that had little to do with people concerned about pornography in our schools and library.

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Someone pointed out the last five minutes were of interest, and I decided to grin and bear it. So without further delay.

Mr. Harbron and your speech about the book “it’s perfectly normal” and other statements. You mentioned that book on the poster (none of you even looked at) was an older addition as if it made it better, somehow, for children K-5. I’ve attached content, pics at the end, of both, and they each violate our laws on adult content.

You also mentioned that this book is in some kind of restricted section of the elementary schools for parents!? Here’s where it gets weird. Since parents are not allowed in the school libraries, what, where, and how do we have a restricted section that we don’t know about to take an obscene book out to share/read to children? This in itself is outrageous. Why are our tax dollars, you complain you never get enough of, going toward buying books, we don’t know about in a section we cannot access? Who is reading these books, and to whom are they being read?

Besides that, if parents want to buy crap for their children, they can spend their money at Moonlight reader or Amazon, not my tax dollars!

He also mentioned the “list of porn books,” which at the time of the meeting was 75 in all libraries. And that only 45 of the books we’re in the schools as if to make it right!? I attached the latest list which is up to 77 in schools over 100 in all libraries.

Not sure what woman at the end decided to make a speech on individual thoughts and how they may not be what others feel or think. Yes, we all have a right to our opinions and, as of today, a right to voice concerns at SB meetings to our elected servants. You all are supposed to be “impartial” elected officials. Not biased as you continue to show your support for special interest groups, unions, and your friends rather than listen impartially to the collective.

Then she goes on to poke fun at the “science boards and project poster boards” and that there is a protocol for complaints. In other words, be quiet, you taxpayer!

If that wasn’t bad enough, the whole board snickered and laughed!!! How juvenile. Even if people who object to pornography in the schools filled out your complaint forms, you are the review committee! Besides, over 75 pornography books in schools, and still counting, is criminal and beyond a form, thus requiring immediate action.

So let’s review.  You are all defending pornography books in the schools rather than getting to the bottom of why on earth they are there at all. They violate federal, state, and local laws. They are NOT sex ed books. They have absolutely no literal or artistic value. They send a message to children that the horrors in these books are “normal.” Want examples? Look at the list, and read the books. Stop depending on third-party awards or publishing companies who are profiting off my taxes, thanks to this city’s obsession with buying porn for children’s libraries.


