Hijacking the Schoolroom - Granite Grok

Hijacking the Schoolroom

how was school

Underneath the banner of struggles and the joys of family responsibilities, a nefarious scheme has worked to take advantage of those who think government education is free and good.

We want to thank Russ Payne for this Contribution – Please direct yours to Editor@GraniteGrok.com.
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Today, this results in an infinite number of Americans who deserve the ugly word drawing that English philosopher John Stuart Mill’s prophetic quote paint:

“He who lets the world make his plan of life for him has no other use for any human faculty than the ape-like one of imitation.”

These words are a warning, not quoted to offend. Gone are the days of teachers using their expertise to teach. Teachers must now teach the state curriculum or be fired. The hijack of the schoolroom is rooted in an 18th-century rogues gallery of brutal mass murderers who told us exactly what they intended to do. The result of government control has influenced widespread views of the purpose of government.

Ever since American blood liberated Europe in WWII, without parental notice, this evil Marxist programming of children’s minds to believe what the Marxists want them to believe has had a powerful effect. Carefully study Hitler’s words:

“The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people, as long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and any deprivation.”

This tactic covers an evil intent to disarm parents who would otherwise confront state abuse of parental control. Sadly, Hitler’s response to opposition echoes today boldly through UNESCO and the Department of Education, essentially saying, “Your child belongs to us… you will pass on… in a short time, they will know nothing else but what we want them to know.”

Is today’s woke cancel culture rooted in this Marxist strategy that graduated from disobeying parents to disowning them? The first public schools required study of the Bible because the concepts were foundational to the Constitution. Supreme Court decisions gave cover for the government to divorce God from our public school curriculum and replace biblical ideals with the philosophy: There is no God, there is no innate right or wrong, and man is a graduate beast. Could the root cause of the violence and anarchy in hundreds of cities in 2020 be the result of this godless teaching?

Cultural Marxist strategist Antonio Gramsci reveals the obvious target: “Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity… in the new order.” It is frightening to contemplate the endgame of this “new order” when we consider the divisive programs called education today: “CRT, LBGTQ+, and Agenda 21 & 30.

Yes, the seeds of tyranny channeled through the vanguard of educators have run wild. Stealing the minds of the children of each generation has been the strategy. Today, the “fruits of evil” we inherit all divide us to conquer us.

It is only by frantically grasping onto the biblical roots of Christian-style American civilization founded on the Gospel of Jesus Christ that will enable our people to see through this revolution of perverted thought that feeds the “cancel culture” with obsessions of hate for all that is decent and good about America. We must oppose these evil, deceptive tactics dressed up as love and concern for our children in the schoolroom.

Joseph Stalin’s promised the death of liberty, literally saying, “Education is like a weapon, it depends on who holds it.” Further saying. “Ideas are far more practical than guns. We don’t let them have guns. Why should we let them have ideas?”

View the Freedom Project Education video at Subsplashhttps://subsplash.com › freedomproject ›…
