ESG - Granite Grok


social credit score

The Global Dystopic Authoritarians (GDA), consisting of the World Health Organization, CCP, Demolitioncrats, and the World Economic Forum, are employing secret metrics known as “Environmental, Social and Governance” (ESG).

ESG is the imposition of authoritarian, communistic standards on the environment, social life, and governance in Western societies. It is reigning the equivalent of nuclear destruction on previously successful countries, including the Netherlands, Ghana, and Sri Lanka, whose ESG scores are in excess of 90.

Starvation and mass chaos in Ghana and Sri Lanka has not been reported in the traitorous mainstream media to protect the ESG plot to destroy Western Civilization. An article by Beth Whitehead in the Federalist documents chaos and starvation in eleven countries, including France, Spain, and Greece. ESG metrics promote climate and medical control, Bill Gates fake fertilizer, and CCP-style citizen passports. The current ESG score of the US is 55.

In case somebody thinks it cannot happen here, “Think Again!”

We want to thank Charles Bradley for this Op-Ed. Please direct yours to

The Security and Exchange Commission is promulgating ESG- friendly regulations, including sweeping greenhouse gas disclosure requirements. The new rules increase compliance costs from $3.9 billion to $10.2 billion and will likely eliminate small businesses in America, according to experts in the Epoch Times.

Additionally, major Wall Street firms are singing the ESG song, including Deutsche Bank, Bank of New York Mellon, and Goldman Sachs, even if the SEC is accusing them of doing it fraudulently. (Epoch Times, 6/22/22, p. A6). Finally, the “woke” anti-capitalists have taken over innumerable major corporate businesses in the United States, as evidenced by the abomination known as Disney.

The only path to stop the complete collapse of the American dream, our food industry, and financial capitulation, which includes all state retirement systems, is to vote for Trump MAGA Republicans in 2022.


