Jan. 6 Extravaganza Intended to Divert Voters’ Attention from How Democrat Control Failed - Granite Grok

Jan. 6 Extravaganza Intended to Divert Voters’ Attention from How Democrat Control Failed

Jan 6 Select Committee CSPAN YouTube screenshot

It’s been said that prosecutors can indict a ham sandwich. Soviet Secret Police Chief Beria said, “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.”

For seven years Democrats, and others enriched by big government, alleged that Donald Trump committed many crimes, including treason. Trump’s opponents spent over $100 million in tax dollars trying to prove those allegations. The media endlessly repeated and repeats those allegations providing Trump’s opponents with billions of dollars worth of free advertising.

Despite all these investigations, not one criminal allegation has been substantiated.

Trump’s opponents falsely slandered Trump too many times to just be believed.

The one-sided Trump-hating Jan. 6 Committee now makes new allegations; rational people demand proof … none has been provided.

The Jan6Com presented selectively chosen and edited documents and statements, false claims endlessly repeated, slanders, innuendos, and allegations; it excluded all exculpatory evidence. The Jan6Com refuses to allow the scrutiny required of proof: due process; cross-examination of witnesses; presentation of additional evidence; and interpretations. Why?

Democrats are desperate to prevent Trump’s re-election in 2024. Under President Trump most Americans could afford gas, food, electricity, and heat and cooling for their homes; inflation was negligible; peoples’ retirement savings were growing in value; our nation was secure and energy independent, our environment was improving; the world was growing more peaceful; our enemies were in check and weren’t threatening nuclear annihilation.

Since Democrats took power and resumed Obama’s fundamental transformation of America, most Americans, and people around the world, began suffering.

An election is coming in November. The Jan6Com extravaganza is intended to divert voters’ attention from how much Democrat control of government has made Americans poorer, and their lives less free and more dangerous.

In November, vote Republican to stop the painful Democrat fundamental transformation of our country.
