Subsidies for Me, But Not for Thee - Granite Grok

Subsidies for Me, But Not for Thee

Money down the toilet

A recent post argued that NH taxpayers shouldn’t be ‘forced to fund irreversible surgeries for gender-confused kids.’

While I agree with that, I would note that Article 3 of the state constitution says that NH taxpayers can’t be forced to fund anything that doesn’t directly protect the rights of the people paying the taxes.

Look through the state and municipal budgets and see how much falls into that category. Very little.  So why complain about these surgeries specifically?

If the GOP took Article 3 seriously and started working to defund everything that violates it, things like these surgeries would be defunded as a matter of course… along with DEI/CRT indoctrination centers, Title IX sports, porn in public schools and libraries, and a lot of other sources of agitation.

But to say, essentially, We like these violations but not those violations seems disingenuous.
