Meme Overflow - Granite Grok

Meme Overflow

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.

Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***








What was it Mark Twain said?  A lie can get halfway around the world before the truth can pull its boots on.



Totally on the up and up.












Foghorn always did have very… colorful and amusing phrases.





But… but… but there’s no evidence.






























That’s exactly what they are.  Psychopaths.  Until you appreciate these people have a psychopathic view of humanity, with us actually not even being human in their eyes, you will continually be surprised and shocked.  At this point very little they do truly shocks or surprises me any more.











Come on, sweetie – just LEARN TO CODE.  I’m having waaaay too much schadenfreude over this.








Washington State – official.  How does anyone actually believe this?













Karma is… entertaining sometimes.



Like Michael Savage has said, Borders, language, and culture.  And all three are under dire attack.








Every single “study” result is aimed at making you dependent on the food The System creates.






Me too.  The last few years have witnessed multiple illusions of mine being shattered.  Including my belief in vaccines.







Links with comments:

(Apologies for the after the fact insertion)


Bayou Renaissance Man: Ammo warning – updated

Buy more.  If you think you have enough… you don’t.

If You Want War, Prepare for Peace – PJ Media

Great concept.  We’re in serious trouble, people…

Child Protective Services ‘kidnaps’ girl for gender care, revokes parental custody (

Parents say Montana CPS seized their daughter for opposing her “gender transition.” Not California. MONTANA. | Not the Bee

So you live in a “Red” state and think you’re safe from this lunacy?  Think again.  And understand that while I do not ADVOCATE for violence, I will opine that if I was on the jury should people in this conspiracy develop high velocity lead poisoning, I’d accept the They needed a little killing! defense.

Report: Dress E. Jean Carroll Claims She Wore During Alleged Trump Assault Did Not Exist at the Time (

Well, this is interesting!

Trump Official Hospitalized After Being Shot by Soros Activist – The People’s Voice (

Holy carp!  This is not a good turn of events.

Twelve states sound the alarm: Globalist banks are conspiring with the UN to WIPE OUT U.S. farms and food production –

Dependent.  That’s what they want us.

Illinois City Councilman Challenges Constituents To Open Their Homes To Illegal Migrants (

Like Massachusetts.  And at some point it will be threats.  And then force.




How I know the 2020 presidential election was stolen (

I defer to Surak’s knowledge of data analysis and statistical anomalies; this is a fantastic bit of work.  Also, here:





Pick of the Post:



So the guy who discovered the medication, developed it, and launched it… doesn’t understand it.  Uh huh.




Palate cleansers:





Come back on Friday for more memes.  Same meme time.  Same meme channel.




