Dear Birdbrain, They Are ALL Democrat Plants - Granite Grok

Dear Birdbrain, They Are ALL Democrat Plants

Nikki Haley’s answer … more accurately non-answer … to a question about the cause of the Civil War speaks for itself. She OBVIOUSLY does NOT have the wherewithal to campaign for President successfully, never mind having a successful Presidency.

She is Biden-in-heels … a figurehead who will do whatever the GOP big donors tell her to do.

What needs emphasizing is her campaign’s pathetic and stupid “damage control” … it was a “Democrat plant.” Dear Birdbrain, Inc., the entire Regime-media are “Democrat plants.” Adam Sexton is a “Democrat plant.” So is every “reporter” at NHPR. So is every NBC “journalist” who moderated the so-called GOP debate where you, DeSantis, and Christie all went along with the charade that those Democrat plants were real journalists, and only Vivek called that farce a farce. Same for ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, etc., etc., etc..

What also needs emphasizing is that Nikki can’t think on her feet. Every moment of a campaign CANNOT be scripted. There will be times when the candidate, to use a football analogy, has to call an audible. Quarterbacks who don’t know when to call an audible or the right audible to call don’t win Super Bowls.

Nikki Haley will NEVER win a Super Bowl.
