Maine Robs Parents of Their Rights – “Kids” can Get Gender Drugs Without Parental Consent

Given the Democrat party’s affinity for incrementalism, what appears to be a gimme to teenagers struggling with gender dysphoria is more likely the threshold to denying parental rights to younger children.

The gateway drug for this journey is HP 340. LifeSite News reports that,


Despite strenuous Republican pushback, Democratic Gov. Janet Mills signed the new measure on Tuesday. 

Maine Public reported the law will allow 16- and 17-year-olds in the Pine Tree State to receive cross-sex hormones “if they have been diagnosed with gender dysphoria, have received counseling, are experiencing harm from not receiving care, and have parents that refuse to support treatment.”

The law also requires teens to “receive counseling on the benefits and potential consequences of hormone therapy,” according to the outlet.


The legislators added a lot of if-thens, which is nice, but those will be the first to go if they are not meaningless already. In New Hampshire, for example, if you have gender dysphoria but want to live as your biological sex, you can’t find counseling that will help. They can only encourage you to change genders. It is a violation of state law to promote any other choice.

These sorts of caveats, if not present, will appear as future legislatures push to lower the age and further rob parents of influence over their children. That is, after all, the true goal. Democrats don’t give a rat’s ass about your gender rights; ask anyone claiming residency in any one of the LGBTQ+ family of characters who supports Republicans or, say, Donald Trump. You might as well be Clarence Thomas, whose race and rise from poverty affords no protection from the hate. Or JK Rowling, an otherwise reliable liberal with the wrong ideas about “women.” Rr Tara Reade – a lifelong Democrat excommunicated for daring to say something about Senator Joseph Biden ‘raping her.

No black man will ever get the same deference for drug use or possession as his son Hunter, nor would anyone who violates firearms law in Biden’s America.

The Socialists must control the kids to achieve ideological victory. It is inevitable. And if you do not push back while you still can, that end will arrive sooner rather than later instead of not at all.




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