Survival Sunday – Thursday SITREP Edition

Forewarned is forearmed.  Thus, this is intended to be a compilation of articles, with my commentary, to try and get like-minded people to grasp what’s coming.  Even merely being aware of events in the world will make you better prepared than the hordes of sheeple.  Note that these compilations are catch-as-catch can, and presented as is.  I make no guarantee of accuracy or complete coverage of the world.

Please follow both me, Nitzakhon, on Gab… as well as my blog host Granite Grok and also on Telegram Tommy Robinson Official plus his Urban Scoop site.  And don’t forget posts sometimes get cloned on American Reveille as well, which is a good site to check out in general.

For prep materials, please see:

Survival Sunday – PREP Edition – Granite Grok




Victor Davis Hanson Diagnoses The Dying Citizen



I’ve read his book The Savior Generals.  Fascinating.  His entire output is now on my “to be read” list, along with Sowell’s prodigious output.




Top of the fold:



A man threatens people with his killing them… those who would hinder him going into a women’s bathroom.



Yeonmi Park | In Order to Live (

Video, hour and a half.  Lessons from someone who lived it.  Meanwhile, SJWs don’t want to hear from her.

Syracuse University Students Object to Talk From Woman Who Escaped Communist Nightmare of North Korea, Call Her a Liar | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

And Bill Whittle’s video on Socialism:





Pfizer Quietly Financed Groups Lobbying for COVID Vaccine Mandates (

This is not just about pharma.  In general we have the best government money can buy.

Leftist Invaders Are Colonizing Red America At Breakneck Speed (

But others move into red places with no such intentions. Some even work actively to colonize and wipe out every vestige of the American spirit and traditional American values. If they keep spreading their dystopias, there will be no place left to breathe freely in America.

They’re MISSIONARIES.  It’s why NH is now blue.




Bill Whittle: My Friend Failure





Deep State / Coming Tyranny / WEF / Globalists (broad):

FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf says “regulation” is needed to target “misinformation” (

In other words, we don’t like you talking and exchanging information freely.  Related:

UK: Totalitarian Night Descending | Blog Posts |

GUNTER: Canada’s Disturbing Censorship Conversation

This is an international effort.

Frustrated motorists are now STEALING Ulez cameras in protest over Sadiq Khan’s expansion plans | Daily Mail Online

Be a real shame if this caught on globally.

What’s that smell? Big Food corporations are quietly adding crickets and other insects into meal bars, cookies and snacks –

Start reading ingredients, people.  If you don’t recognize an ingredient, look it up.  More importantly, let the STORES where these are hear about it, and let the COMPANIES that manufacture them hear about it.  And then, let your friends & family hear about it too.  Related, at least to me:

An Obvious Solution – Vox Popoli (

Sooner or later, the Satanists always resort to starvation. It’s less confrontational, and therefore, less risky than war. This is why it’s important to start taking steps to secure your family’s food supply now.

MEP Exclusive: ‘The EU is Rolling Out a Total Financial Surveillance State’ With Crypto Regulation

And still so many do not think this is something to worry about.  And they won’t, until the gate slams shut.

Nigeria Limits Cash Withdrawals to $44 for Individuals and $11K for Businesses Per Week to Curb Inflation, Drive eNaira Adoption – BitcoinKE

CBDC will be rolled out as a “crime fighting” measure.

I remember reading about one country that did a roll-out of a new currency because the old one had been so hyperinflated it was worthless.  Then the new one became so too – and the people switched back to the old bills they’d kept.  There’s a lesson there.



Protecting Children:

They Really Do Want Your Children …

Tweet.  Reading material for f*cking GRADE ONE.  Related:

LGBTQ Organization Cancels Florida Pride Parade Over Bill Banning Children From Lewd Adult Performances | The Gateway Pundit | by Cassandra MacDonald

Bayou Renaissance Man: The links between “queer theory” and pedophilia

Advocates of the “gay lifestyle” are often infuriated by accusations that the philosophy they espouse (you should pardon the expression) is also strongly supportive of pedophilia.  However, the links are clear and unarguable.  More:

Bayou Renaissance Man: Unmasking the transgender movement and those behind it

Preacher Ordered Not to Post Bible Verses Offending LGBTQ Crowd on Social Media for Five Years – The New American

“Although there was no evidence that Penkoski ever contacted, spoke to, tagged, or met the public figures leading the LGBTQ group, the trial court — based upon claims that the LGBTQ leaders felt terrorized and harassed by Penkoski’s three social media posts on religious and political issues — imposed a five-year protective order against him,” wrote the Rutherford Institute. That order requires Penkoski to refrain from any conduct that might cause the LGBTQ leaders to fear for their safety, which presumably includes citing Bible verses they don’t like. Failure to comply could result in Penkoski’s arrest and jailing for up to one year.

Lawfare.  An Evangelical – at least, that’s what I think he is – friend said that the ultimate goal is a war on religion.  He’s right.

UN Report Says Minors Can Consent to Sex with Adults (

Years ago I was in the John Birch Society and had their GET US OUT OF THE UN bumper sticker.  I agreed then and still agree.  After seeing their interview of a politically-conservative Rabbi, I may rejoin.

Female Athlete Injured by Fake Female Competitor Calls for an End to the Madness | Frontpage Mag

Payton McNabb said it best: “Allowing biological males to compete against biological females is dangerous. I may be the first to come before you with an injury, but if this doesn’t pass, I won’t be the last.” There is no doubt about that whatsoever. So will transgender advocates, who insist that trans women are women and that all who disagree are evil, pay Payton McNabb’s medical bills? How many women will have to be injured or raped before this society-wide experiment in social contagion and the normalization of insanity is brought to a close?



National Security (specifically):

Labs Experimenting With Deadly Viruses Risk 1.6m Deaths Every Year, Experts Warn

The novel Frankenstein was a warning about scientific hubris.  Related:

EXC: Fauci, DOD, & CDC Funded Deadly Pathogen Research At Sudanese Biolab Seized By Militants. – Stephen K Bannon’s War Room

Space War: Chinese Plan To Disrupt Enemy Satellites’ Comms in the Event of Conflict

The US is very satellite-dependent, as I understand it.  Related to space:

China and Russia Move To Build Lunar Base Before Nasa’s Project Artemis – Chinese Vow To Put a Man on the Moon Before the End of the Decade | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran

Biden Provoking A Nuclear War With China And Russia (

No regime can be as incompetent as the Biden regime has shown itself to be, which only leaves one option, the destruction of our military, and our depleting of our weapons and munitions in our Ukraine proxy war with Russia, has been deliberate.

I agree.  Even flipping a coin would have gotten more decisions correctly.  Speaking of Russia and China:

The Bear and the Panda Join Forces | Gates of Vienna



On The Jab (and Covid)

Military lawyer says genetic changes from COVID vaccines are creating a new human ‘species’ under the law (


90 Miles From Tyranny : Watch: Former Director Of National Intelligence Admits That Fauci Lied About Gain Of Function Research (

Is there anyone with three brain cells that talk with each other that still thinks Fausti didn’t lie?

40 Facts You NEED to Know: The REAL Story of “Covid” – OffGuardian (

A lot of info, but good background.

WATCH: Pediatric Cardiologist Gives Emotional Testimony on What the COVID Vax Does to Young Hearts (

Trading a risk of a disease that barely affects kids for what looks like a possibility of permanent heart damage.  We need gallows.  Now.




No More Cheap Flights Is the New Reality for Air Travel – Bloomberg

To stop eeeeevil CO2, of course.  More:

The Great Travel Reset: No more cheap flights is new reality for Europeans – Net Zero holidays for the well-off only as ‘climate compliance laws’ get stricter for airlines | Climate Depot

Or buy CO2 offsets indulgences for one’s environmental sins?



The food items ONS inflation figures show rising in price the most | This is Money

For example, everyday essential items such as cheese and eggs have risen by over 30 per cent in price since last year.

Core Inflation Rises to New High of 12.3% in Poland


No, The Prices Will Not Drop – Ask a Prepper

My electric bill, specifically, has more than doubled.




This Is What Will Happen When The US Dollar Is No Longer The World Reserve Currency!



And two more videos, links only:

Why America’s Enemies Can’t Dump the Dollar (yet) – YouTube

The Financial System Cannot Go On, We’re At End of the Fiat Experiment Warns David Morgan – YouTube




Putin just DESTROYED NATO’S top Ukraine leaders with HYPERSONIC MISSILE yet the Snake News is Silent (


Facebook Censored Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s Presidential Announcement, Cut The Live Feed – Geller Report

Remember, control the information flow and you control the populace.

Seymour Hersh reacts to NYT helping track down Pentagon leaker — RT World News

Wholly owned by TPTB.  Related:

News Blackout in Effect – by Matt Taibbi – Racket News

Control the information flow, control what people believe.  More:

60 Minutes Basically Screams, ‘Leave Ray Epps Alone!’ – RedState

Explosive moment at NY Times Wash Post free press event… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

Fox Ratings WIPE-OUT! Tucker’s Time Slot Loses Another Million Viewers, While Tucker’s Twitter Video is Viewed 43 MILLION TIMES – Geller Report

HA HA HA HA HA HA!  Related:

Infamous Republican on Fox board suddenly focus of Tucker’s ejection (




Candace Video: Hospital Claims Pre-Born Babies Know They’re Trans | Frontpage Mag

So now their case for abortion falls apart.  If that child “knows” it’s trans, how can they abort it?

Methodist Pastor Attacks Pro-Life Americans, They’re Really Just “Pro-Birth” –

What an absolute inversion.



Know your Leftist / Globalist & Islamic enemy:

Without Firing a Shot: How Islam Overcame the West – American Thinker

Hijra – conquest by migration – is a real thing:

You searched for hijra – Political Islam

Too late Sweden, you cannot avoid disintegration | ערוץ 7 (

Will France become the first victim of ‘The Great Replacement’ in Europe? (

LIBYAN leader, Muammar Gaddafi, predicted in 2006 that Islam would conquer the West without firing a shot (

The Religion of the Left – American Thinker

A very interesting argument.



AOC, Under Ethics Investigation, Demands Justice Thomas Resign | Frontpage Mag

How Leftists can even discuss ethics and reputation and honor without their tongues bursting into flames is beyond me.

House Democrats Complain of Arrest of Sheikh Who Called for War on America (

Whose side are they on?  A rhetorical question, I know.



Immigration / Migration:

When It Comes to Illegal Migrants, It’s Cheaper to Keep ‘Em (

Short term, I can see the bean-counting saying this.  Longer term, it’s political suicide for anyone to the Right of Stalin.

How the Left Wins Elections by Transforming Nations – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish articles

Migrants still flooding over border Despite Biden ban (

Biden Proposes Free Health Care For Illegal Immigrants (

When You Correctly Call Out a Lie

Truth, silenced.


(Link to AZQUOTES per their policy.)


The Invasion and Ethnic Cleansing of a Small Archipelago | Gates of Vienna

The loss of Britain proceeds apace.  Related:

Italian Minister Warns of “Ethnic Replacement” The European Conservative

He argued that the Italian government must “build a welfare system that allows people to work and have families” and “support young couples to find employment”—something that the governments of Hungary and Poland, both of whom have pro-natalist, anti-mass migration policy positions, have already done.

Obama, Bush and Clinton Have Started an NGO to Fly Migrants Into the US

Washington Post: Mayorkas Plans Global Migrant Pipeline

But… but… but the Great Replacement is a myth.  Our intellectual and moral superiors have assured us of this.



Economy at large:

America’s empire is bankrupt – UnHerd

Yes.  But more broadly the whole world is.




Indonesia Leaves the Dollarzone – Vox Popoli (

I always expected de-dollarization to follow both a) an economic crisis and b) a major military defeat, but instead, it appears to have preceded both due to the very rational fears of countries observing how Russia was attacked economically via the global dollar system.

Apparently India and Bangladesh have dropped the dollar for bilateral trade.  More:

What Is Dedollarization & Why Are Countries Dumping The US Dollar?

How quickly will the dollar collapse? – Research – Goldmoney

Jen Says De-Dollarization Is Happening At A “Stunning” Pace | NC Renegades

The USD Could Lose Petrodollar Status: How Do You Prep for It? (

Breitbart Business Digest: April Cruelly Crushes Recession Expectations

I don’t relish a crash.  But MHO is that the longer TPTB avoid the inevitable, the worse it will be when it arrives.  Related:

Probability of US Recession Remains Elevated

“Magnitude Of Losses And Outflows Is Alarming:” Credit Suisse Hemorrhages $69 Billion In Assets | ZeroHedge

Not sustainable.  Death spiral imminent IMHO.  Unless there’s a depositor “bail in”…



Political War

OUCH! Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene Destroys Eric Swalwell: “That was quite entertaining from someone that had a sexual relationship with a Chinese spy—and everyone knows it” [VIDEO] (

That’ll leave a mark.

Larry Elder announces that he’s running for president – TheBlaze

Good man IMHO.  I remember his utterly relentless deconstruction of black lives matter on the Rubin Report.

The Useful Veneer of the Aging Democrat › American Greatness (

Predators always camouflage.

Trump Leads Biden by 4 Points in General Matchup, Poll Shows

Leads by four percent????  After all the damage wrought by The Potato, the margin is four f*cking percent?????  Related:

Poll: Just 41% of Americans Approve of Biden’s Job Performance…

Antifa intimidation in action

Good for the cops.  This time.  In many instances, though, especially in blue hives, they’ve been co-opted for the enemy.  And Peter has, in his write-up, two excellent points – here’s the first one.  Take it to heart:

First, Antifa is clearly a well-organized, well-funded, trained movement.  It’s not a mere grassroots “upswelling” or spontaneous “response” to anything.  It plans ahead, and has members willing to get in the face of anyone and any movement with whose views it disagrees.

More on this incident:

Very educative video. – Gun Free Zone

Similar conclusions, e.g.:

1) They are well funded. They have gear that does not come cheap for people who are probably not holding a high-paying job. If somebody feel like doing the math and add up all the stuff they are carrying, it will be very welcomed.

2) They use misdirection and layering a lot. Two were keeping the protesters distracted while the third sneaked in and sprayed. Right after the attack, two others with long guns step in to block field of view and possibly distract with menacing.

These are not clowns.  They are not goof-offs.  They have funding, they have training, and they have zeal.




US Stability (broad catch-all):

BREAKING: Fmr CIA chief Mike Morell testifies under oath that Biden campaign and Tony Blinken asked him to orchestrate letter from 50 intel officials falsely claiming Hunter Biden emails were ‘Russian disinformation’ | The Post Millennial |

House Judiciary Committee Releases Evidence of U.S. Intelligence Community Conducting Domestic Political Disinformation Campaign – The Last Refuge (

Biden Official Threatened IRS Whistleblower in Hunter Tax Case (

We have a criminal enterprise masquerading as an administration & governmental apparatus.

HUGE: Rasmussen Poll Reveals a Majority of Americans (60%) Believe that Recent Elections Were Affected by Cheating | The Gateway Pundit | by Joe Hoft

I Love This Guy: RFK Jr. Slams Dems for Rigging the System – PJ Media

“There’s too many Americans,” Kennedy concluded, “who already think that the whole system is rigged against them. And this is confirmation of that. And I think that’s troubling.” It sure is.

Former Intel Officials Who Signed The Infamous Hunter Biden Laptop Letter Landed Jobs In The Biden Admin | The Daily Caller

Manhattan DA asks judge to restrict Trump’s access to evidence in criminal case | Just The News

We – as a people – are broadly losing faith in the systems that define our nation.  This is how Rome fell (link added):

When the average Roman finally understood how corrupt-to-the-bone the Rome they knew, loved, and would have fought and died to protect had become, they turned inward towards their community and even closer to their families… no longer willing to fight or die for that greater entity now that they understood that greater entity no longer represented them or their values.

Cruz Demands Yellen Release Biden Family’s Suspicious Bank Records to Public (

Former CIA chief: That letter about Hunter Biden’s laptop? It was Tony Blinken’s idea to help Biden’s campaign – HotAir

After AOC Calls to Ignore Judge’s Abortion Pill Ruling, Top Biden Official Says It is ‘On the Table’ – Becker News

Attorney General Merrick Garland Lied Under Oath – Geller Report

Oversight Committee Has Evidence of Biden Family Connections to Human Trafficking of Prostitutes from US, Russia, Ukraine – Geller Report

Former CIA Director Comes Forward With Information On Hunter Biden Laptop Story (

There’s a ‘Secret Reason’ Bud Light Chose to Partner with Dylan Mulvaney: James Lindsay (

As I’ve said, there’s no way this – including graphics paid-for and a special-run can – happened because ONE “woke” person did it.

Biden’s Benghazi: Sudan Embassy Evacuated, One American Dead, Thousands Left Behind – PJ Media

OOH, if you’re in Sudan, you’re an idiot.  OTOH, if you trust the American government under The Potato to help you, you’re an even bigger idiot.



World Stability (broad catch-all):

‘China’s Already at War With Us,’ Peter Schweizer Says (

Biden Is Emboldening China to Invade Taiwan :: Gatestone Institute

Wargame reveals key US weakness in potential Taiwan war — RT World News

A Wargame in Washington

China.  Long game.

What the Palestinian Terrorist’s Mother Told Him… :: Gatestone Institute

And that, in a nutshell, is why the possibility of achieving real peace with the Palestinian Arabs is so remote. It has nothing to do with settlements or borders. It has everything to do with the widespread and deeply held attitudes that permeate the Palestinian Arab community.

More broadly, this is the problem with Islamists in general.  First Saturday, then Sunday.

Biden Administration Still Negotiating a Secret ‘Deal’ with Iran: As Many Nuclear Weapons as They Like? :: Gatestone Institute

I’d ask “Whose side are they on”? but that’s pretty clear.  Related:

IDF Prepares For War With Iran, Seeks American Support | Frontpage Mag

Remember what I keep saying: all these potential conflict points around the world are connected.  When one goes – and sooner or later one will go – IMHO they’ll all light up.

Christians Continue to be Purged: Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day :: Gatestone Institute




Neil Oliver: ALL manners of freedom are being eroded | Neil Oliver Live





Specific to energy:

The Greens are dragging Germany down with their foreign and energy policies — RT World News

They won’t like the world they dream of creating.  Related:

Germany to ban new oil and gas heating systems from 2024 (

Good News: Biden Regime Plans To Crack Down On U.S. Power Plants – Pirate’s Cove » Pirate’s Cove (

Solar Variability Linked To Climate Change…CO2 Not ‘The Primary Driver For Nearly All Of Earth’s History’ (

Well, duh.  Meanwhile we’re messing around with CO2 limits.

Biden to Double Cost of Electricity | Frontpage Mag

Mine’s already doubled.




The Truth about CO2





Big Tech in general:

All Your Data Are Belong to Us | Gates of Vienna

Safe assumption to assume everything you do with respect to electronics is monitored.  Certainly, in the (theoretically) private sector, they want your data – and are willing to pay to get it.

Supermarket Loyalty Schemes Are Turning Privacy Into a Luxury | Novara Media



Catch-all miscellaneous:

Deagel Population Forecast Sees Nearly 70 Percent Fewer Americans by 2025 | The Gateway Pundit | by Joe Hoft

Add in the rising potential for another manufactured pandemic, a manufactured global famine under the guise of fighting “climate change,” and the race toward World War III, and suddenly Deagel’s forecast becomes even more plausible.


Poland’s Population to Shrink 23% by 2100 and Old-Age Dependency Ratio to Double

The War on Humanity | Frontpage Mag

Strange Deaths and Cattle Mutilations | Frontpage Mag (bolding added):

On two of these five cows, however, there was more: “a circular cut was made removing the anus and the external genitalia. This circular cut was made with the same precision as the cuts noted around the jaw lines of each cow. Just like the first, there were no signs of struggle or disturbance in the grass, no blood spill, and no noticeable tracks. No predators or birds would scavenge the remains for several weeks after death.” Even stranger, the Madison County Sheriff’s Office notes that “multiple similar incidents have been reported across the United States and we are actively coordinating with other agencies to find answers.”

That’s… weird.  Especially the no scavengers part.



Concluding thoughts if I’m moved to comment:

No time.




Language alert!


The Candace Owens Show: Katie Hopkins





Palate cleansers:



Just interesting!




Please check out my MEME collection.  Here’s the last one.


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