Judge Said No, But Heil Hochul Still Wants Her Public Health Detention Camps

If British colonials tried to infect native populations by giving them blankets with smallpox, it was never formally attempted in the Americas, and there’s no evidence if tried that it worked. New York State, on the other hand, sent COVID infected into nursing homes.

The results were what you’d expect if you were some normal dope on the street. You put confine flu-infected seniors with other at-risk elderly. A lot of people died alone, and their families were prohibited from visiting them. New York did terrible things to its senior citizens, and a change in leadership in both the Big Crapple and the Governor’s Office did nothing to dissuade the government from pursuing lockdown tyranny as a matter of policy.

Maybe they’re in love with the idea of that sort of power.


Rule 2.13, as written, says that “whenever appropriate to control the spread of a highly contagious communicable disease, the State Commissioner of Health may issue and/or may direct the local health authority to issue isolation and/or quarantine orders, consistent with due process of law, to all such persons as the State Commissioner of Health shall determine appropriate.”


Except it wasn’t consistent with due process of law. Bobbie Anne Cox  (an attorney and Brownstone Institute Fellow), explained it like this.


Imagine a land where the government has the power to lock you up because the unelected bureaucrats in the Health Department think that you might, possibly have a communicable disease. They don’t have to prove you are sick. They don’t have to prove you are a health threat to others. They just need to think that, maybe, you were possibly exposed to a disease. And when I say “lock people up,” I mean lock you in your home or force you from your home into a facility, detention center, camp (pick your noun) that they get to choose and you must stay there for however long they want. No time limit; so it could be for days, weeks, months, or years…

Last July it was struck down. We wrote about it here, and Bobbie wrote about it here; ” Judge Ronald Ploetz ruled that the “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures” regulation is unconstitutional and “violative of New York State law as promulgated and enacted, and therefore null, void and unenforceable as a matter of law.”


This illegal quarantine regulation allowed for endless possibilities of abuse because there were no due process protections built in to safeguard against government abuse. Once targeted by the DOH, you would have no recourse whatsoever: No chance to prove that you aren’t actually infected with a disease. No chance to confront your jailers, see their supposed evidence against you or challenge their quarantine order in a court of law before getting locked up. Judge Ploetz stated in his decision that the regulation “merely gives ‘lip service’ to Constitutional due process.”

It gets worse. In the true fashion of a dictatorship, the government could tell you what you could and couldn’t do while in quarantine. For example, bureaucrats and politicians could decide to deprive you of your cell phone or internet access, thereby totally cutting off your communications with the outside world. They might also decide to restrict your food intake or force you to take certain medicines or “treatments” that the government deems appropriate. They could even choose to discriminate against those with certain views or beliefs, creating political prisoners, all in the name of supposed “health and safety.”


Heil Hochul! Kathy and Co., are appealing the decision. They want their quarantine confinement rule and all the fun despotic abuse that follows, but they waited to let the voters know.


 We had statewide elections in November, and both Governor Hochul and Letitia James were running for election.

Interestingly, they did not file their appeal to try to overturn this horrific regulation before that crucial election.  Then, just days before their six months was going to expire in January 2023, they made a request for an additional two months to file their appeal!  Despite our objection, the court granted the extension thereby giving the Attorney General until March 14, 2023 to file the appeal.  Mere hours before the deadline, they filed their appeal.



HT | Dr. Peter McCullough

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