No, No, No - It’s Not “Where’s Waldo?” It’s “Where’s Dan Eaton (D-Stoddard)”? - Granite Grok

No, No, No – It’s Not “Where’s Waldo?” It’s “Where’s Dan Eaton (D-Stoddard)”?

Dan Eaton 139 Powerline Rd Stoddard - Getty 1 FI

Wheres Waldo WalmartYes, when the Eldest and Youngest were young, the book “Where’s Waldo” was very popular. Essentially, it was a book of illustrations with a lot of “densely drawn” pictures and the idea was to find this character, Waldo, in all kinds of situations. Sometimes it was obvious but also times when it was dang hard to find him. Find him. You know, he could be anywhere. 

And kids LOVED working to find him. It was the fad of the day. So much so, even today, most adults still immediately “get it” when “Where’s Waldo” is mentioned even if what is being sought after has nothing to do with “Waldo”.


(Yes, click to embiggen!)

Dan Eaton D-StoddardLike Dan Eaton from what a couple of tipsters are telling. Where, oh, where might you be?  Are you living where you have stated you do?  People have sent me some stuff and I’ve talked with them.  Interesting anecdotes – but people are looking for harder information to see if he domiciles – or not – where he says he does.

No, I don’t have any hard evidence YET but I do have hard evidence where he says he is.  So, the topmost image is of the address Eaton has given as his place of Domicile (that IS the word that is used when talking about some types of fraud, right?). His Voter Registration Record from Stoddard shows him giving that as his address:


Dan Eaton Voter Registration

(click to embiggen)

I also have the entire Voter Record list (again, a public document) from which I have taken a bit of a slice:

Dan Eaton Stoddard Voter Record
And if anyone complains, I can put up the entire spreadsheet to confirm. There’s also this from the NH Secretary of State showing that Eaton did, use this address in filing his candidacy as shown by the NH SecState Winners listing:

Dan Eaton D-Stoddard 2022 NH State Rep winner

OK, Skip, all well and good. So what?

My tipsters went to the home and looked around and saw that topmost image.Dan Eaton 139 Powerline Rd Stoddard - Getty 2


Dan Eaton 139 Powerline Rd Stoddard - Getty 3


Doesn’t look like it’s occupied – shades down, driveway blocked – a typical summer “lake house” type building. As they took snaps, they came across a guy with a big dog and told him that they were looking for Dan Eaton. The response was telling: “No one knows…doesn’t live around here“.  This on a private road – this guy lives just a few houses down from 139 Powerline Rd.

And it’s not like Eaton owns the home, either. Here’s the tax information for the house – the owner lives in South Dakota:

Tax card 139 Powerline Rd Dan Eaton Earnest Getty


I was told, via hearsay, that someone went to “close up the place” – presumably for the winter season.

Questions, questions. I’m looking for more and have asked these ‘Grok tipsters for more info.  Who knows what will come of this – is this barely a ripple in a teacup or something on which someone will have to take action on?

Dunno.  I’m just laying it out there and if someone has more info, let me know.
