Students Are Getting Creative With Their Preferred Pronouns

With the growing list of genders, kids are getting creative when asked what pronouns they want their teachers to use at school. In this article they say there is 68 genders. In this list, compiled by so-called experts, there are 16 genders. Here they list 72 genders.  Is it any wonder, kids are confused?

As kids enter school this fall, they may be asked a series of questions about themselves. First remember, this may be a way to data mine personal information about your children. The less is better. You have no idea where this personal information goes, who has access to it, or how it will be used.

All non-academic surveys and questionnaires need parental consent. So if your child tells you that they had to fill out something like what is pictured below from an Art class, and you did not consent, you can file a complaint.

Gone are the days when teachers just wanted to know something about your children so they can relate to them better in the class. Today’s classroom is all about data-mining personal information on your child. This is why you need to do a semi-annual visit to your public school and the New Hampshire Department of Education to review what data is being collected and stored on your children. There is a lot more that is being mined through the Ed Tech Apps, but at least you can see what they’ve gathered in their school file if you request that information from school administrators and the NH Dept of Ed.  You can find more information the privacy laws here.

To file a complaint if you did not consent to this non-academic survey is easy. First you can contact Diana Fenton ( at the New Hampshire Department of Education and ask her to investigate this violation of state law. You can file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education too. Courage is a Habit is also a website to save to opt out of surveys, etc.

This was a survey of a student in a New Hampshire School:

Art Class Survery Genders


Send this email to all your children’s teachers, superintendents, and school officials:
“Dear _______,
This is your formal notice that you are not permitted to talk to my child about any matter related to gender or sex, including asking my child about pronouns. I consider this to be sexual harassment of children and do not agree with the radical ideology of gender theory. Please confirm receipt of my email and agreement to comply with my instruction, as it is my fundamental right as a parent to direct the education and upbringing of my child.”
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