Gunstock-You want EXTREMISTS?? Let Me Present “Citizens for Belknap”‘s NH State Senate Wannabe Tim Lang - and Arrogant Overreach - Granite Grok

Gunstock-You want EXTREMISTS?? Let Me Present “Citizens for Belknap”‘s NH State Senate Wannabe Tim Lang – and Arrogant Overreach

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Remember (and I’ll keep doing so) Tim Lang is the State Rep that was Sununu’s buddy during the long pandemic of deciding who among we NH residents were essential – and who wasn’t.

In doing so, he was hand-in-hand (if not effectively in charge) with Baby Huey on both deciding which businesses lived – and which died (and reveled in it). And because of the Power derived from being the head of Sununu’s Task Force for this, he was complicit in the removal of our civil and constitutional Liberties. It was “for your own good” dontcha know!

But that’s just a reminder. The Citizens for Belknap will be supporting him in his run to replace his “political father”, Bob Guida (tied to both Sununu and Gary Kiedaisch) who upon announcing his retirement from the NH State Senate, “anointed” Lang to be the next State Senator. Since then, he’s doing all he can to raise his name recognition. The problem for him is that not all tries are successful. This one is a #FAIL.

If you’ve been reading the ‘Grok on a regular basis, you know that the Citizens For Gunstock (and before) has been on a full fledged multi-front assault with one purpose: Stop the investigations that the new Commissioners started as a result of rumors of malfeasance and possible corruption by prior ones + Sr. Management. There’s a reason why that Sr. Mgt all quit last week en masse – and I have those documents now and will be posting them up in a while. A secondary reason is to destroy the Republican Party here in Belknap.   Thus, the campaign of what the Left always accuses the Right of doing but we see them doing it all the time – like now.

Part of the Multiple Pincer Movement in this case was to start getting the Delegation involved as the Delegation can remove Commissioners “for cause” – a marshalling the Mobocracy that’s been whipped up to taint the Legislature.  It’s clear that Citizens for Belknap has been ginning up the mobocracy and the long political knives of revenge are coming out fast and furious by sitting and prior politicos. And the CoB has PLENTY of money to spend and I’m betting not all of it is being spent on the constant barrage of ads in the Daily Sun and those really expensive multi-colored road signs.

And ever being the Political Opportunist comes the next Extremist – NH State Rep Tim Lang.  Seeing that furthering the process of demonization is increasing in velocity in trying to get the two Commissioners doing the most digging into the dirt (Strang and Ness), Lang decided to force the issue by working to call for a special meeting of the Belknap County Delegation.

Sidenote: Jade Wood has been a complete disaster. While the CoB is playing 4D chess, this inept politician can hardly find a checkerboard.  It’s clear that she is so blinkered focusing on the idea that ONLY Gunstock is the only issue, she can’t see what the multiple end goals are. In this she is being the quintessential “useful idiot” in not realizing what really is at risk here – Gunstock is only a symptom but she won’t take advice to the contrary.

So Tim Lang whipped up the Lang Gang (Mike Bordes, Travis O’Hara, and Doug Trottier) to get five of the needed ten. He then ended up with eleven Reps agreeing to call for that meeting as allowed by the rules but by telling them (and I’ve talked to a few of them yesterday) it was JUST TO GET INFORMATION – to “get a discussion going”.  To him and the CoB plan, that was All that REALLY mattered – get the meeting planned. The screw over would happen next.

And then, like all those that live, not by the Rule of Law, but by “Any means necessary, he THEN prepared the following as a Press Release with an Agenda that none of the other Reps had seen (reformatted a bit, emphasis mine). Such a deal – hiding the truth from those he simply deemed, IMHO, “useful idiots”:

Letter sent to the County Administrator by a quorum of the Belknap County Delegation today calling for a meeting of the Belknap Delegation, I want to thank these members for stepping up.

Message to the County Administrator:

We the undersigned quorum of the Belknap County Delegation, request the County Administrator immediately schedule a meeting of the full Belknap County Delegation as soon a legally possible given public notice requirements.

In light of the ongoing crisis at Gunstock Mtn Resort including:

a) the closure of the Mtn,
b) the ongoing exodus of GMR staff,
c) the resultant negative economic impact of the ongoing closure to Belknap County business and residents,
d) the Belknap County Citizen’s petition calling for the removal of GAC Commissioners Strang and Ness for cause,
e) the fact that GAC Commissioners Woods and Lambert have called for the resignations Commissioners Strang and Ness, and
f) lastly the most recent letter from the Belknap County Commissioners calling for the removal of GAC Commissioners Strang and Ness for cause

The quorum of the delegation therefore, in alignment with our Statutory duty of appointment and removal (for cause) of the members of Gunstock Area Commission, the County Administrator shall schedule a meeting of the delegation to take evidence and testimony as to whether these said GAC Commissioners should be removed for cause and take actions accordingly.

Additionally, and acting out of an abundance of caution prudence, add to the agenda a discussion and vote for the appointment of a temporary GAC Commissioner for a limited time period; only for so long as it takes the Delegation to advertise, interview and vote for a permanent GAC replacements as needed.

Rough agenda:

  • Call order
  • Pledge
  • Opening statement about meeting agenda: (Public comment vs testimony)
  • Public comment (not to confused with public testimony on removal for cause)
  • Testimony/evidence presentation of the for cause removal including public input.
  • Up/down Vote on removal if appropriate.
  • Discussion and possible vote on temp commissioner as outlined above.
  • Other business


The County Administrator may format the above agenda as needed for publication.

Sincerely Submitted:

Representative Harry Bean
Representative Mike Bordes
Representative Juliet Harvey-Bolia
Representative Gregg Hough
Representative Tim Lang
Representative Richard Littlefield
Representative Jonathan Mackie
Representative Travis O’Hara,
Representative Thomas Ploszaj
Representative Douglas Trottier
Representative Dawn Johnson

Submitted for the above by:


Those that I have scratched out (there may now be others) have removed themselves subsequent to the publishing of this publicly. ONE that I know, immediately removed himself when he heard (so I was told) that Kiedaisch “revoked” his resignation. In fact, the time line was that THIS meeting notice came out first and only a few minutes later, Kiedaisch “revoked” his resignation.

Can you get any more scripted than this??  That one triggered the other?

And what is “for cause“??  In this case, the equivalent of “mean tweets”? Doing the digging that they were supposed to be doing in the first place?  Or does “for cause” mean “finding stuff we didn’t want found”?

Note to Tim – also, there is nothing in Law that allows for a “temp Commissioner”.  That’s a lame equivalent of what Kiedaisch tried to do to keep Rusty McLear in that Commissioner seat even longer by calling him a “de facto” Commissioner – which also does not exist in Law. Both attempts are/were meant for one thing – a tipping of the Power base on the Commission to stop the investigations (and I haven’t even talked about the hotel yet).

In talking with some of them, upon hearing about this new flanking maneuver, the other multi-level politics that was going on, and what the real end goals are (another post – this is getting long), had their names removed.  One, upon hearing that  Kiedaisch “revoked” his resignation, withdrew his name as well.


