To the OPPONENTS of the PARENTAL Bill of Rights: Sexual Grooming of Children Continues

To those legislators who voted against the Parental Bill of Rights Legislation in New Hampshire, I will be here to remind you that you voted to deny parents important information about their children while they are in school.

You decided that hiding information from parents is important but those of us who supported this Bill knew that this would help parents identify inappropriate relationships with school personnel.

A parent is in the position of monitoring what is going on with a teacher or another employee who works in the school. By keeping parents informed about what is going on in the school with their child, they may be able to pick up on inappropriate relationships with school personnel.

Unfortunately, we had legislators who voted to keep parents in the dark so if a groomer is preying upon their child. That may not have been their intention, but if the information is hidden from parents, they will certainly not have the same opportunities to monitor a relationship that may be developing.

In this case, you can see that the Principal at this school groomed a child after there was a death in his family.

A Pennsylvania high school principal was arrested and faces more than 30 felony sex charges for an inappropriate sexual relationship he had with a male student over a seven-year period.

Roger Weaver Freed, 34, was charged Tuesday with 30 counts of indecent sexual contact with a student, one count of sexual assault, one count of aggravated indecent assault, one count of corruption of a minor and three misdemeanor counts of furnishing alcohol to a minor, according to court records.

The student told investigators that he first grew close to Freed after the death of a family member. He began to lean on the educator for emotional support and said “he trusted Free ‘like an older brother,’” the document states.

Their relationship soon grew to time outside of school, with Freed volunteering to give the student rides to various locations so they could have “one-on-one conversations.”


Groomers prey upon children and try to keep as much from parents as possible. Sadly parents in New Hampshire may miss an opportunity now to catch a predator.

Here is how the NH House members voted on this important legislation. It lost by a slim margin.

Keep in mind, that those who were NOT Excused for the vote, also failed parents by leaving the room so their vote wouldn’t be recorded.

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