It’s 603 Day, by the Way, a Celebration of New Hampshire

Today is June 3rd, 6/03/2022, which is a celebration of all things New Hampshire in the Granite State. 603 is the state’s only area code, and it has adopted the day as its very own.

It is not an official holiday. We don’t get the day off. But you can find things to do around the state in honor of the day. You’ll have to research yourself to find things “603 Day” on June 3rd. It’s not universally acknowledged or practiced celebration. But it is still a thing, and you are encouraged to create your own 603 Day tradition.

  • Drinking beer at a local microbrewery.
  • Go to the range and get some target practice.
  • Send someone who desperately needs it a copy of the NH State Constitution.
  • Sign up to run for public office (which starts on June 1st and ends on June 10th).
  • Smile and thank Natures God that you live here and not anywhere else in New England.
  • Buy some GrokGear.
  • Donate or Subscribe to (because we help keep NH, New Hampshire!)
  • Do nothing or whatever you want.

It’s your day New Hampshire. Make of it what you want.

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