Sununu Signs on to Border Strike Force: An Agreement to Bail Together But No One Want’s to Patch the Hole in the Boat

When I see headlines like “Republican Governors Sign on to…” I have to look. And I confess, I do not expect His Excellency, Chris Sununu to be on the list. But this one looked different. The Republican governors of twenty-six states got involved. There are only 28 States with “republicans” running them.

Two of those are Phil Scott (VT) and the Retiring Charlie Baker (MA), both blue enough to be Dems anywhere but New England. Sununu being an odd man out seemed unlikely, and that turned out to be true.

He’s on the list, but to do what? He’s moderate-left on border security, and like most Dems, he’d prefer to respond after the fact – probably because it means more big checks from DC. He likes those. They keep the Swamp growing and spreading and New Hampshire a dependent child of the super-state.

Another gold-digging trophy wife for the Federal harem.

And what are we joining? Will these 26 states pressure the Feds to stop the tidal wave of illegals pouring into America? Send National Guard troops to help Southern border states repel the invasion? Certainly not Sununu, no.

They have agreed to cooperate to address crime.

Illegal entry crime? Entering any country illegally is a crime, but no. “That’s not the crime they’re looking for.” They are joining forces to help identify criminality after it has set up shop.

I know, bass-ackwards.


The group includes two border states—Arizona and Texas—as well as 24 others: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

“In the absence of federal leadership, states are partnering together to create the American Governors’ Border Strike Force to disrupt and dismantle transnational criminal organizations by increasing collaboration, improving intelligence, investing in analysis, combating human smuggling, and stopping drug flow in our states,” the agreement states. …


Side note to the Epoch Times, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, and Idaho are border states. The wrong border, I guess. And before you say it, I know people are innocent until proven guilty but not the guy breaking into “your house” whom you know is there to commit crimes. It is still technically a crime not to stop them and ask them why they are here.

So, file this under, we have to do something or look like we’re doing something, and that’s what this is.

Let’s not use half the states plus one to pressure federal policy. And while they are not the Das Capital Police on January 6th, “let me get that door for you,” this is window dressing, and the carpet doesn’t match the drapes.

Don’t fix the massive hole in the boat or even block it with your big bureaucratic asses; just agree to help each other bail.

We know that gangs, drugs, terrorists, and human traffickers use the open border to invade and conquer. Opioid addiction is breaking the Obama-Era records. With it comes rime, mental and physical health burdens, and death. All of which creates an added burden on taxpayers to which we can add the cost of cooperating with 25 other states to spend more money to address problems we could prevent if we closed the border.

Don’t get me wrong. There are some good and necessary things in this agreement.


The governors will coordinate to share intelligence, disrupt smuggling corridors, and assist border states. They plan to focus efforts on targeting cartel finances and border-related crime.

The participating states also plan to review state laws regarding human trafficking, drug trafficking, and transnational criminal organizations “to ensure that such crimes are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.” …

States can request help from other participating states and state-specific certifications and licenses will be honored among the states. Each state is responsible for its own costs.


But it amounts to more costs after the fact in perpetuity, paid for by taxpayers because we’re not investing in preventing the problem.

So, while I commend Gov. Sununu for joining, I must condemn the entire project for being a lot like the official guidelines for treating COVID19. Wait until the problem becomes nearly impossible to treat and then do the wrong thing until the “patient” is dead.



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