A Holly Jolly Christmas with a Touch of Despondency - Granite Grok

A Holly Jolly Christmas with a Touch of Despondency

Christmas Tree taisiia-shestopal-h3HvJ2a0gT8-unsplash

The Fox News Christmas Tree was set afire early this morning.  The blaze was spectacular.  My response has been distressing and demoralizing.  Where is my beloved country going?

A Christmas Tree?  An honored tradition?  A symbol of love and redemption?  Have we no soul left?  What could the motive possibly be?

Maybe it was meant as an act in the War against Christmas.  I thought we had won this war, so I initially downplayed such a motive, but the New York Times reports that there was a similar fire in Oakland, CA, and another in Chicago.  Chicago has had such fires in 2020 and 2019 as well.  Alas.

Possibly the motive was a strike against Fox News because of its right-wing bent.  We’ve seen a lot of violent acts by left-wing thugs over the past few years, seemingly senseless acts done strictly because of ideology, acts that never seem to draw punishment.

We want to thank Mike Johnson for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to Editor@GraniteGrok.com.

Perhaps it was just an act by an troubled individual of a malignant mindset.  But if so, why a Christmas Tree?  Was his psyche influenced by the unremitting propaganda drumbeat being hammered out by the progressive media?  Is the American Dream succumbing to an American Nightmare?

There has been an unrelenting effort by Progressives to sell various versions of us vs them, oppressed vs oppressors, haves vs have-nots, etc.  They are trying to set up a bifurcated populace based on class warfare and racism, the sort of seething turmoil where socialism and communism ascend to authoritarianism.

Right now I’m discouraged, but I am also angry, very angry, and I am determined to do what I can to defeat the blue hoards.  God Bless the USA!

PS:  CBS New York reports:

Police arrested Craig Tamanaha, who is homeless, on several charges, including arson and reckless endangerment. He allegedly had a lighter, but it’s unclear if any accelerant was used.
Mr. Tamanaha sounds like the troubled individual of lore.  He will undoubtedly be back on the street before you read this essay.  He will be armed with his lighter and Fox will have replaced the Christmas Tree.

Mike Johnson is a small government conservative, a live-free-or-die resident of NH, and the author of the e-book John Kerry & PCF-44.  E-mail mnosnhoj@comcast.net
