Data Point - About that "Achievement Gender Gap" Nonsense? - Granite Grok

Data Point – About that “Achievement Gender Gap” Nonsense?

Graph Data Data point

I’m NOT saying that girls have become that smart nor am I saying that boys have gotten that dumb, but look who is on top now.

Share of BA degrees by Gender 1966 to 2017


What I AM saying is that boys have learned that with the takeover of college campuses by the Social Justice Warrior, Feminist, and Marxist movements (but I repeat myself), men have decided they no longer need the hassle of either girls or colleges.

Think I’m wrong?

Get a blue color job in the trades and you’re making pretty good money NOW without the debt incurred.

It also explains why marriage rates have gone down. Why make yourself miserable by marrying one of those Feminist Study majorette harridans?

The Progressives that have all engineered this all have the same problem – they think that everyone will continue to be status quo as they change the social norms out from underneath us. They never realize that the rest of us have a vote and generally that vote goes in a direction that didn’t plan for.

(H/T: Powerline)
