Nature is Messing with the Narrative: Early Winter Snow in Australia, Record Cold in Northern Alaska

You probably never think about Australia and snow unless you have been there or you pay attention to this sort of thing (I’m the latter). An early pre-winter snow storm has dropped about a foot of white stuff, much to the pleasure of the ski industry down under.

Related: What It Really Means when “Journalists” Report Claims That the Ice Sheets are ‘Rapidly Melting’

Snow started settling on Australia’s highest mountains on Wednesday night. By Friday morning, some ski resorts had picked up more than 30cm (a foot) of fresh snow.

Meanwhile, far far away nearer the opposite pole,Utqiagvik, (which is the) northernmost town in the United States, (and) the largest city in Alaska’s North Slope Borough,” saw record cold.

Record cold night in northernmost US town in Alaska reports that

While most of the state is blossoming into spring, areas north of the Brooks Range have still been dealing with cold and blizzard conditions. Early Wednesday morning Utqiagvik saw the thermometer fall to a record reading, something not experienced in just over 12 years.

Temperatures fell to 20 degrees below zero, beating out the previous record of 19 below zero set back in 1973. While it’s far from the coldest ever recorded for the area, which is minus 56 in 1924, it is the first time in recorded history that Utqiagvik saw a low of minus 20 this late in the season.

The surprising bit, according to the local media, is that Utqiagvik (which is north of the arctic circle) has had much warmer temps this time of year for some time. The unusually cold change in climate is unexpected.

The climate changed!

I’m sure the ice-free-arctic folks are miffed. Not that any actual “journalists” will report the unusual cold. It would do too much damage to their ‘Massive Ice Loss! narrative, and you can’t allow anything to happen to the narrative.

| Ice Age Now

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