The PA Dept. of Env. Protection: Fracking is Not Spoiling Our Streams and Rivers

The Arabs and Russian’s have spent millions in the US trying to make Fracking into some sort of evil. The UAE even backstopped an anti-fracking movie. But a study funded in part by the Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) just undid much of that.

Assuming you ever believed the negative press.

The study’s authors included experts from the Bureau of Forestry within the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and the Division of Water Quality at the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.

We can assume the DEP was looking for a smoking gun. Encouraged by greens, other leftists, and maybe even the Russians /snark!

“No quantifiable relationships were identified between the intensity of oil-and-gas development, water composition, and the composition of benthic macroinvertebrate and microbial communities,” the study said. “No definitive indications that hydraulic fracturing fluid, flowback water, or produced water have entered any of the study streams were found.”

Fracking is Yuge in the Keystone State. The threat by the left to end it will keep those state’s red for a long time. They rely heavily on the “good paying™” jobs, commerce, and tax revenue. It’s the sort of money with which you could fix roads and bridges™.

So, much so that even the working-class Democrats appreciate Mr. Trump and his commitment to mineral exploration and extraction in the US.  Not to mention the reduced cost of living that affordable energy provides to everyone.

| PennBizReport

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