Deep State Leaker Convicted – Could Get 10 Years in Federal Prison

Female Soviet spy gets cozy with a Federal employee. Maybe they become their boyfriend or girlfriend. They date, do dinners, get busy, share secrets. National Security secrets. Spy novel stuff that these days look more like this. A female reporter dates a federal employee and he leaks secrets to her.

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We’ve been seeing a lot of that around Washington. One of the more famous was the James Wolfe unredacted FISA application leak. He texted images of every page to his “girlfriend” (who happened to be a reporter).

It has long been my contention that the Trump team has been running counter-ops internally to find leakers and we’ve word of at least one.

A former Defense Intelligence Agency analyst has pleaded guilty to sharing top secret information with two reporters and now faces up to 10 years in federal prison.

Henry Kyle Frese, 31, of Alexandria, Virginia, pleaded guilty to willful transmission of top secret materials to the two journalists in 2018. One of the two journalists his then-girlfriend, who he lived with at the time.

What do we call these women, Repwhoreters? Because it seems like this a thing. Strike up a relationship with someone inside the intelligence apparatus and then honey-trap them into wanting to fork over top-secret material.

According to the report, “The girlfriend, Amanda Macias, a national security reporter for CNBC, published eight articles that revealed classified national defense information on weapons systems of foreign countries, according to a justice department statement.”

Macias direct messaged Frese on Twitter, asking if he would be willing to share more information with another reporter, according to court documents.

Frese told Macias he would be willing to share more information with other reporters if it would help her career. He later shared classified information with Courtney Kube, a Pentagon reporter for NBC News, according to court documents.

Her career seems fine but Frese is looking at up to ten years in Federal Prison.

Men are stupid.

And Freese should be asking why he has to go to jail if Hillary isn’t in the cell next to him. Her and half her inner circle were trafficking top-secret material across unsecured networks for years. The Chinese got everything and I’m sure they’ve been selling it to whoever has the money and the interest.

Clinton’s biggest “problem” is how to answer questions about whether she’d run for President again or consider accepting a VP nomination?

| Military Times.


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