Housekeeping – Update to How Disqus Shows Comment Threads

If you comment on, you use Disqus. Well, they’ve announced a change to the default viewing of replies to upper-level comments. When a comment has a lot of responses, Disqus will roll them up and provide a ‘read more replies link’ under the top level comment.

Click the link to unroll and read the replies.



Hi folks,

I wanted to let you know about a change to how we will be displaying Disqus comments. We call it collapsed replies and you may have already seen it on your site! Basically, we are collapsing long threads where a top-level comment has many replies. In this case, instead of loading all replies on long threads of replies, you would see a “Show More Replies” prompt to load additional replies.

Everyone who uses the comment system will receive this email. We just wanted to point it out in case you missed it because it will affect the way you see comments on

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