The American Health Care Reform Act of 2013

The US House has produced a replacement for ObamaCare.  It is called ‘The American Health Care Reform Act of 2013.”Medical Device Tax coming

Here is a link to the PDF. it is HR3121

It is a paltry 181 pages and a quick skim shows a repeal of the existing scheme, changes to tax credits, beefing up of HSA’s, malpractice reform,  no  federal funding for abortion, keeps protections for people with existing conditions…and that’s a very rough appraisal lacking in detail.  Sorry.

We should try to crowd source this and figure out what is in it before anyone tries to pass it regardless.

No, this stands no chance in the current obstructionist Democrat Senate.

No, Obama would ever sign it, so a veto proof majority would be required and is very unlikely but….this is more serious than just voting against something, and much like the need to wait to prosecute the crimes of the Obama Administration until after he can no longer pardon them, this or any improved version would need to be in the pipeline for fast action should we manage to elect a president and complaint congress more interested in what works for us than for the lefts control-freak political agenda.

Here’s a link to the RSC page on the bill.  You can see the ‘ObamaCare Fallout video on the jump and a screen grab of the pocket card below as well


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