National Parks Service Still Acquiring New Land Post Sequester

Ask your congress critter why the National Parks Service and Department of the Interior are crying in their sequester boo-hoo towel while simultaneously spending even more money to expand the system and the costs required to maintain it.

Sen. Tom Coburn says there’s “no shortage of potential savings,” pointing out that the department is nevertheless spending millions on newly created monuments and landmarks. 

The Oklahoma Republican, who has been hounding federal agencies for weeks about questionable spending under the cloud of sequester, aired his grievances with the Interior Department in a letter to Secretary Sally Jewell Tuesday. 

“It makes little sense to expand the number of sites at the same time the budget of every other park is being cut and visitors are being turned away from visiting the White House,” Coburn wrote. 

The Interior Department has warned of late road openings, and the inability to maintain flood monitoring equipment but as Coburn points out, is still planning to pay for drone surveillance of populations of sheep and Rabbits.

Smartest president ever.   Riggghht.

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