Attention NH House….HB 1704 – It’s Still A Trap!

NH HB1704 is still a trapThe New Hampshire Senate has passed a “revised” version of HB1704, the amended, re-amended, amended version of what was once a perfectly functional campaign finance reform bill from the New Hampshire House that is now little more than a piece of crap with a bow on it.  Or perhaps more accurately described, it is an acceptable left wing baby-step toward silencing political speech, facilitated by progressives, under the cover of “election transparency,” at the hands of a Republican Legislature.

The House needs to strip it back down to it’s roots or kill it and here’s why: The Coalition for Open Democracy.

The Coalition for Open Democracy has promoted and supported the amended versions of the bill and this should set off some alarms because the Coalition for Open Democracy claims to be “a nonpartisan coalition of organizations and individuals dedicated to ensuring integrity, transparency and efficiency in political and legislative processes in New Hampshire and the nation.”   What they actually are is a patchwork of left wing organizations, run by progressives, pretending to be non-partisan, pushing the Democrat campaign finance agenda to counter or if possible undo any or all of the advances made by the US Supreme Courts Citizen United decision.  And they’ll do it one tiny bit at a time if they have to.

So HB1704 is being used to move the issue a step or two to the left to establish a base from which to execute the next step or two to the left.  Put more simply… It’s a trap!!

The warning signs are all there.  The Coalition for Open Democracy is housed at 4 Park Street #200, Concord New Hampshire.  This is the office of the NH League of Women Voters.  The League of Women Voters promotes radical left wing causes while hiding behind the pant suit of  suffrage and feminism.  It is pro Democrat, period.   One of their most important priorities right now?

(a) Campaign Finance Reform: “We need your help to pass the new McCain-FeingoldDurbin Free Air Time legislation [which] will require … broadcast stations to provide free air time to candidates and political parties for political debate before elections.”

This is a step toward the Federal control of content and the real goal of re-instituting the Fairness Doctrine. The left wants to control talk radio and this is their path to doing it.  The LWV is also against Photo ID to vote, supports motor-voter, DC voting rights, (all abortion all the time), and wants to overturn Citizen’s United–to name a few).  The Coalition for Open Democracy is funded and supported by the LWV, and other left wing groups, and there is nothing non-partisan about any of them or their goals.

The Coalition for Open Democracy Co-Chairman, Gordon Allen, was (is) a policy Analyst for The New Hampshire Citizens Alliance (NHCA).  The NHCA is the NH arm of USA Action (the nations largest progressive activist organization).   Allen is also a giving left wing donor to folks like Ann McLane Kuster, Barack Obama, the DNC, and John Kerry.  He was a presenter at the NH Progressive Summit, and is a former Democrat State House Rep from Antrim.

The Coalition is actively promoted exclusively by Democrats, Democrat county Committes, and in this example by Uber-Democrat Mark Fernald and Sullivan County Democrats.  Notice the language used, even invoking the lefts class warfare rhetoric of the 99%.

When the Coalition for Open Democracy schedules a fundraiser who is asked to speak at their Fundrasier?  A lefty Environmentalist wing nut – Bill McKibben.  What sort of non-partisan contributors is an scion of the environmental justice movement likley to attract?  The sort they are most likely to get money from for their cause–those “non-partisan (wink-wink)” left wing progressives.

Want More Trouble?  Just take a look at their “Resource” List.”   This is where they get their agenda, cash, and support from,  if you didn’t know what “Resource List” meant.  These are the groups actually running the Coalition for Open Democracies agenda in New Hampshire.

Brennan Center For Justice, is A Soros funded Open Society project  that “Seeks to expand, strengthen and further complicate campaign-finance laws above and beyond the McCain-Feingold restrictions.”

Common Cause Money in Politics is the group Common Cause (CC).  Common Cause’ greatest claim to fame is the passage of the unconstitutional McCain Feingold bill.  One of CC’s key partners is Democracy Matters (campaign finance reform, social justice, civil rights, workers’ rights, and environmental reform; Focused heavily on removing private money from politics.), with further ties to the Progressive National Council of Churches which has a number of tentacles leading to out of state funded progressive “so-called non-partisan” Democrat front groups in the Granite State.

Public Citizen, was founded by Ralph Nader as a consumer protection group but has since descended into all manner of left wing foolishness having been overrun by the progressives.  It gets most (if not all) of its support from large left wing foundations.

 Americans for Campaign Fiancee Reform is another progressive front to end private money in politics – a common mission of the far left.

The Center for Responsive Politics, which gave us, may be one of the most tame “Resources” on the list, but at the end of the day it gets almost all of its institutional support from left wing foundations including Carnegie, Ford, Joyce, and Open Society.  There is an underlying agenda to advance progressive campaign finance reforms.

Democracy 21 is full-throated left wing group (hiding as a non-prtisan non profit) that is funded by and works with and for the Soros Shadow Party agenda.  It’s main focus is campaign finance reform and fairness, but in practice they are working to make it as difficult as possible for people to donate to candidates of their choice.

The list keeps going, and it never gets any prettier.  Suffice to say that anything The Coalition for Open Democracy promotes is aimed at moving the new normal as far left as possible so they can stage their next attack on free speech; to so over complicate the idea of private money in politics as to intimidate anyone but deep pocketed professionals from participating in the process.

So forget the rhetoric on HB 1704.  Regardless of any Republican perception or good intentions, changes to this bill are being motivated by the left-wing Democrat parties goal of building a foundation and then a wall that will exclude small businesses and private activist groups (the real ones) from daring to risk a violation–legislating them out of the political debate entirely for fear of engaging in an activity that could be challenged as representing paid speech that violates State or Federal campaign finance law.

HB 1704…It’s still a trap!



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