Framing of the issue.

by Skip

Steve, in his post on Public School Propaganda, had this:

Probably, but it goes on to frame the issues a president faces as serious business requiring critical thinking by experts with the obligatory jab at President Bush.  It’s soft core political porn for the attention-span challenged.  It’s also a form of what Marx called ‘False Consciousness.’  Or maybe it’s just propaganda…

..To describe how the dominant class shape and control, the non-physical Marx outlined the process by which the dominant class systematically uses education and media to distort the understanding of the subordinate class through the promotion and distribution of errors and lies.

Framing this issue, and it never stops.  I was listening to Special Report on Fox during the round table, and Juan Williams (the Liberal on the panel, who seemingly has become a bit more militant lately for the Liberal agenda):

"for small business, the ability to then to have additional capital that they should be able then to invest in employment would be a big bonus. Charles says that the government is trying to tell people what to do but the government is giving them a tax break and I think the government would be foolish if not to say to people here is what we want done in order to create more jobs for those that are out of work."

Let’s translate this Liberal pap, shall we?

  • Liberals actually acknowledge that there is a problem.
  • Immediately, the knee jerk response is that Government can solve it. 
  • Out of the "Goodness of Government’s Heart", those that are receiving the benefice of the Public Treasury ought to simply accept the "Strings Attached" – there is always a quid pro quo.

Once again, we see the framing of the problem and the framing of the goal – only Government knows how to fix the problem and you should be grateful for that assistance.  It all starts from the top and flows downward. Isn’t this in stark contrast to the Framers, whose aim was to protect individuals and to handcuff Government, eh?

It also shows a more subtle change; remember when President Obama said "we are going to fundamentally transform America"?  We are seeing yet another part of that now. 

Certainly we have seen that formal Government has extended itself into the social services industry – for without it, many of the non-profits would not exist.  Trust me, for I see it every budget cycle, they come asking for "community support" when all it really is the banging of the tin cups begging for the taxpayer dollars.  The Result? WOE to us all if we do not fill it to their brim as the landscape will be littered with the destitute and ignored.

And yet, they conveniently ignore what De Toqueville found – citizens helping citizens.  These Progressives lack something very important – faith in Americans to do the right things without Government intervention.

What we are now seeing is the next step – the turning companies into extensions of those non-profits – turning them into social services organizations.  Private companies with a responsibility to create profits for their owners and shareholders? Not in the eyes of those the wield Progressive power.  With Obamacare, haven’t we just seen what used to be a voluntarily provided benefit to a legally mandated one (and if you mess up how you provide it – the Fine Guys will have the invoice ready for you).  We continue to see Government forcing other social benefits to be mandatory (think vacation, sick leave, and other issues).  Voluntary contracts between people?  Not so much.

Think I’m wrong?  Listen to one of the heads of Obama’s special interests – the head of the AFL-CIO, Trumpka, who said, the union’s goal is to take over the private companies for the public good. Thus, we see a pincer movement from Government and its co-travelers in the "private" sector.

No, this is not a battle between Government and the private sectors – it IS all about the Proper Role of Government – and how the Progressives are now trying to frame that question into "what is the Proper Role of the Private Sector?" 

Their end goal?  As with all socialist end goals – there IS no independent private sector.  Think I’m wrong?  Partisan I may be, but all I’m doing is merely listening to their actual words and watching what they do.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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