HassanSullivan Speech - NH Senate Minority Leader Peter Bragdon - Granite Grok

HassanSullivan Speech – NH Senate Minority Leader Peter Bragdon

Last night I went to the opening of Jim Forsythe’s campaign office (NH Senate District 4) in Laconia.  Afterwards, given the focus the ‘Grok has had on the attempt of former NH Democrat Chair Kathy Sullivan and NH Senator Maggie Hassan to silence the political speech of their political opponents (I dryly remind them that this suspiciously looks like "payback" for the National Organization for Marriage’s ad campaign against Democrat John "Do Nuttin’" Lynch for first stating his support for "One Man, One Woman" stance for traditional marriage and then flip-flopping on the advice of the gay activists (IMHO) to sign the gay marriage bill here in NH.

Anyways, here is Senator Bragdon’s take on the NH Democrat imposition of regulation on political speech:
