Cap and Trade - Look who's going to get the green - Granite Grok

Cap and Trade – Look who’s going to get the green

Remember – when you hear the phrase Cap and Trade" it has NOTHING to do with protecting the environment – it has EVERYTHING to do with mere taxes.  Remember, the way that this bill is structured, even its authors admit it will do little to nothing in the way of having any real effect (0.18 degree over the next 100 years?  WHO IS FOOLING WHO??).

Watch this entertaining video – and watch who is really "getting the green"!

H/T: Hot Air who adds:

Someone’s going green, all right. Congress wants to skim off the top of the energy industry to fund its pet projects, and keep on picking winners and losers just like they did in the housing industry.

Update: Don’t forget to go to the Tax Foundation’s site to see how cap-and-trade will affect you.

