MTNP Podcast from 5/24/08

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Week of 05/24/08
(Click here for accompanying links)

Hour 1                                        Hour 2

Pat was out this week – Doug and Skip talk with the guests and each other. Jeb Bradley co-hosted hour 2. 

Hour One:

Opening banter– Doug & Skip discuss Pat’s probable long list of tasks as the McCain campaign gets geared up. Discussion about the ruling by NH DRA regarding the Belknap County budget and the poor performance in the matter by local Republicans.

~~Discussing energy with 2nd CD candidate Grant Bosse, who unveiled his comprehensive plan this week of how he will work to get a handle on this most important of problems, should he end up going to Washington.

Part One.

Part Two.

Chatting with Moving Wall visit organizer David Dube. This moving– both literal, and emotional– half-size replica of the Washington DC monument to Vietnam soldiers who lost their lives in that war fittingly spent Memorial Day weekend here on beautiful Central NH. Jeb Bradley enters studio for this segment.

Hour Two:

Former 1st District congressman Jeb Bradley, seeking the Republican nomination to re-capture that seat from Democrat Carol Shea-Porter, joined us as our co-host for the whole second hour, for what turned out to be a mostly-military related session. That was OK, as it was only fitting, it being Memorial Day Weekend and all…  Also with us in the studio for the exchange was Belmont state representative John Thomas. Former prez candidate Duncan Hunter joined the conversation, along with a couple of callers. In addition to things military, we talked about one of our favorite topics (you guessed it)– illegal immigration. Duncan gave us an update about the progress of "the fence. (Download full hour here)

Part One– Jeb’s op-ed in UL about military families, POW/MIA designation vs M/C-DSU. W/ John Thomas.

Part Two– Transitional period for troops coming home. Phone call from state Sen. Bob Clegg w/ question about earmarks. Jeb discusses night vision earmak he got for troops. Update on status of Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. W/ John Thomas.

Part Three– Interview with Duncan Hunter. Discussion about military funding, missile defense, and illegal immigration and some details about the new fence being (finally) constructed on the California/Mexico border. W/ Jeb, John Thomas. Segment closes with "Taps" for Memorial Day.



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