Meet the New Press Podcast- May 10, 2008

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Week of 05/10/08
(Click here for accompanying links)

Hour 1                                        Hour 2

Pat was out this week – Doug and Skip talk with the guests and each other… 

Hour One:

Opening banter– Doug & Skip discuss the sight of Pat moving furniture; Belknap County budget mess; Gilford Spending Cap Pledge

More banter– Skip & Doug discuss Obama, Gilford spending cap pledge, transparency

Peyton Wolcott part 1– Transparency movement. Putting financial information online. Discussion about check registers from school districts up on the ‘Net. Peyton discusses how she first got activated

Peyton Wolcott part 2– More about how to convince the school board that putting more info online is a GOOD thing. Very enlightening!

Hour Two:

Jennifer Horn interview. Jennifer is a candidate seeking the Republican nomination for NH’s 2nd CD US House seat currently occupied by Paul Hodes. She gave the listeners some background and an update on the campaign and recent endorsements. Doug and Skip asked a series of questions.

Paul Mirski interview part 1– Discussion about proposed amendment to CACR34 school funding "fix". Language of despots and dictators codified in NH’s constitution?

Paul Mirski interview part 2– Discussion about redistricting lawsuit filed to force implementation of 2006 constitutional amendment regarding voting reps by town AND size, eliminating the archaic multi-town breakdown currently in place.


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