Another cast of political ju-jitsu - Granite Grok

Another cast of political ju-jitsu


I blogged about the brouhaha when Senate Majority Leader Reid falsely accused Rush Limbaugh of slandering the troops.  Well, Rush’s reaction was appropriate, rightous indignation, especially when 41 Senators, our government, wrote "an official government Letter" in an attempt to persuade his syndication company to ditch him.

His response – eBay the Letter.  Thus, turning a lemon into 4 million gallons of lemonade for the Marine Corp – Law Enforcement Foundation.  

Well, another attempt at pure partisanship has just happened here in NH is along the same lines (and Doug blogged it here).  Jeanne Sheheen is making the claim:

“These Wildfires Are A Direct Result Of This Administration’s Failure To Do Something About Global Warming.” 

You know, lots of stupid things get said and done as one tries to get elected – Doug points out her boneheaded attempt with Mr. Global Warming himself – Al Gore.

Well, Fergus Cullen, the Chair of the NH Republicans is repeating that lesson of liberals not getting it right:

Jeanne Shaheen should be ashamed of herself for politicizing such a historic catastrophe. Here in New Hampshire we have had our share of natural disasters in recent years, specifically flooding.  It is an act of hyper-partisanship to blame President Bush for accidents and arson-driven natural disasters.

This is not the time for finding partisan blame.  The victims of this tragedy in California deserve better than political rhetoric.  They need our help.  New Hampshire Republicans encourage New Hampshire residents to keep the people affected by the California wildfires, and the brave first responders who are fighting them, in your thoughts and prayers.

If you would like to take further action, we encourage you to support the American Red Cross in their disaster relief efforts, you can contribute at

On this, I will agree with Doug and Fergus.  I have to wonder if Shaheen got some bad advice to go negative so quickly on this topic.  I realize that this is the season to bash Bush, but even as people are still out of their homes (and some of my co-workers in San Diego were evacuated and are just returning to their homes), this goes over like a lead ballon.


…in a way, continuing that ill fated and ill advised canoe ride with AlGore and making this slam from that aspect shows an ignorance that one has to comtemplate as we choose a person for Senator.

My take is that while the world is warming up, it is due to natural cycles (one only has to review actual history to know that the Earth has warmed and cooled over the epochs all by itself without the need for humans to do so).  Whether or not we are adding to it and making it worse really is under discussion, and there is no "consensus" – no matter those that call we who disagree "deniers" as if it were a curse worse than death.

Like I care!

Here’s just two points that have to be considered:

  • AlGore’s movie has been proved wrong in a British court and now requires a notification before it can be shown to students (sorta like our law that requires packs of cigarettes to be labeled – ha!)
  • The models that are showing doom and gloom may not be all that accurate

To blame the California fires and the devastation they caused on a natural process that has raised, perhaps, a degree and a half over the last 100 years on an Administration that has been there just 6 years is inane from a scientific, rational basis. As NRO pointed out, what about the fires in 2003 and earlier?

This was done strictly as a partisan poke….nothing rational at all in this (as I am rapidly learning). 
