Shea-Porter - Let's Pile On! - Granite Grok

Shea-Porter – Let’s Pile On!


Our friend, Liz Mair, over at GOPPROGRESS.COM is also on the case!  We’ve had her on Meet The New Press several times now – she is talented and informed (even if, chidingly said, more to the center than the gang here).  Go now!

There’s been some outcry today about Carol Shea-Porter’s dogging of theconcepts of freedom and liberty during the House debate on the Iraq resolution. However, Ms. Shea-Porter is also in trouble as the result of actions that appear intended to intimidate pro-surge constituents. Details, and a page for Jeb Bradley to replace his replacement, can be found here.



I am having a lot of fun watching Ed fisk Carol Shea-Porter…I REALLY am!

My small contribution is that her premise is wrong:

"If Fergus Cullen has the courage of his convictions, he should go enlist, because they’re having trouble meeting their quota. He’s young, he’s single and he’s healthy. If he needs to know where the recruiters are, call me."

No, not the part about Fergus.  To the point – recruiting.  That was the case a while ago that some of the services were not meeting their quotas, but it stopped being true.

Thus, being a respected member of Congress, doesn’t she owe it to her constituents to be factually correct instead of just saying what she wants to make her political argument?  Someone clue her in – the only folks agreeing to the "chickenhawk" reposte are the anti-war folks.

Oh, I guess I’m not one of her constituents then, right?  Well, perhaps that statement will be true in slightly less than two years…..

From the same story that Ed quoted:

Although she opposes the war, Shea-Porter said, she’s "working in a bipartisan manner to protect the troops and keep them funded with everything they need."

Sure….if anyone is watching how the Dems are playing, they are certainly playing hardball.  It only becomes bipartisan when the votes are close and the Dems need bodies.  Nothing more, nothing less….and I don’t see her playing nice in this new arena at all. 

And that call by Allison Scamman?

"It’s sad," Shea-Porter said. "People can still come and see me, but I won’t be able to do the phone calls anymore."


It is amazing to watch people realize that actions have consequences….. 
