Arrogance repaid - Granite Grok

Arrogance repaid

Just call us "Massachusetts Lite", for that is what NH, the formerly "Live Free or Die" state is becoming at voting speed. With Democrats taking over the State House of Representatives, the State Senate, the Executive Council and keeping the Governorship, we quack like MA. and soon will be acting like them in terms of taxes – after all, Gov’t is the font of goodness, right? And given how quickly those transplants from MA (mostly Dems who moved up here because of low taxes) want government to provide more and more services, I’m sure our taxes will soon look like MA too. So much for the NH Advantage, the NH Way….. Instead of Live Free or Die, and gov’t leaving you alone to do just that, the MA way is "taking care of you from cradle til grave" – and you will pay to have it And it is heading north.

The republican (notice the little r – they no longer rate a capital [in more ways than one – the letter, the NH capital, or the US capital]) party has reaped what it has ignored. It took its constituents for granted and relied on the silly message of "we’re better than the Democrats".

Hey, republican party, guess what – the voters disagree. And many of us republicans among them. Because of your arrogance and hubris, we will now all end up paying for it. After all, what’s the difference when republicans act like Democrats (think Lincoln Chafee), and then you spend lots time and capital to prop up those that reject our principles – just for the sake of winning? Yes, winning is important (think Supreme Court), but only with the right set of people who believe in the party principles and who do not make a mockery of such. You cannot govern without winning, but wanting to win for the sake of staying employed is not a valid reason.

Many times many disagreed with the that message of being better – with LOTS of their own reasons. Fr’instance, some are unhappy with war not because it is war (the moderates), but that it is not being waged aggressively enough (those of us that are convinced that we are at war is Islamofascists). We conservatives decry the lack of sticking to what used to be the bedrock principles of the republican party – small government, low taxes, security, security et al. – the list is quite long.

Instead of hearing those principles and seeing them implemented, we heard mere lip service and saw the actions belied the sniveling rationalizations of doing otherwise. We got huge increases of government spending. We got large increases in entitlements. We got no action on Social Security. While we got two Supreme Courtiers, we got bupkiss down the rest of the judicial line…..and you didn’t even fight for them!. We got loyalty to subordinates over competence. You let the Dems stifle your legislative efforts in spite of republican majorities because of ineffective legislative leaders, and you caved on important appointments (John Bolton) and skipped out on others (Secretary Mineta) that should have been made gone quickly. And don’t get me started on earmarks…..

And you’ve presided over one of the worst wrongs – the debasement of the coin of US citizenship by kowtowing to political correctness and international pressure. Offering amnesty to those that are here illegally shows the utter lack of value you have in being a US citizen. Only the House, a few stalwarts with their eyes and minds open and working, held the line. And now, even that is gone because you screwed up.

Worst of all, we simple voters heard no message and had no leader bringing it to us to inspire us, giving us a reason to vote FOR something instead of against something else.


There isn’t one leader of conservative stature at any level that I can see. And that’s part of the problem (and maybe part of the solution).

The problem is that the republicans deceived themselves into thinking that while things might get tight in the races, they didn’t realize that they had already lost a long time ago by ignoring foundational principles that got them there in the first place. Without a "leader" willing to keep the politician-masses accountable against those principles, they stood for nothing cohesive. And we voters called them on it, for we saw no difference between them and their challengers. NO amount of electioneering talk would wipe out the recent past deeds and misdeeds.

Locally, the Democrats made a mockery of republicans. Charlie Bass lost – and he made it clear that as a moderate that he was not beholden to his party. Well, that short term strategy worked real well, didn’t it? Sure, go ahead and convince other republicans that you don’t like us – sure, we’ll go ahead and pull that lever for you! Such nonsense….what principles were in play there?

In fact, where was the State republican leadership – the Steve Merrills, the Tom Raths, the Keoughs, the Semprinis, and the others leadership that I don’t know (and that is because?).. I heard a lot from the Dems….not so much from the republicans. What message supported them? What cohesive strategy and message and outreach was there?

None that I could see.

Here in my local community, I saw or heard very little campaigning – except for one commentary by the head of the County republicans. And an ad showing how frugal they were, in opening up their little storefront, by reusing signs from years past by pasting over a name. Yup, that sure is a powerful message, ain’t it?

Yet, in all the local papers, I saw the Letters to the Editor from Democrats, I saw the online articles from Democrats, I read the local stories of events that Dems "created" to get their names and messages out locally. At times, it seemed to be an army of interlocking shields – each Dem supporting each other publicly.

…..and nothing from the republicans in kind. Frankly, nothing at all.

And then they had the chutpah to ask me for my vote? When Wayne Semprini, State republican chair, says "I’m not sure that we did anything wrong.”, you can be sure they have no clue. When one of the local Dems, Julie Reever said “"As you know, I didn’t do anything this time. I kiddingly said it was my strategy because it worked for the Republicans.", it is embarrassing.

And that is why the republicans lost – no message, no attempt at a message, and no real attempts to get a decent message out. That total lack of CARING, of being willing to be convincing by deeds rather than just by words, is what sunk them. We, the voters, saw through them like a threadbare handkerchief.


The solution part? We at the grass roots level, instead of waiting for a leader to emerge, should actively be canvassing and researching for those that believe in the conservative principles that can be articulated and used as a rally cry. While the realist in me says "win", the principled part of me says that, better still, win via expressed principles – much more satisfying than poll driven victories. If the republican leadership cannot do it, it is time to do it for ourselves. It is time that we find our leaders, convince them they are, and then support them.

Rightroots anyone?

The only saving grace, if one is to be had, is that the Democrats probably can’t help themselves as they contemplate payback….after all, as the republicans have learned, absolute power corrupts absolutely. The Dems took 40 years the first time…..the republicans outdid them in 12… long is your guess to do it again?
