Dope of the week: NYC Mayor Bloomberg - Granite Grok

Dope of the week: NYC Mayor Bloomberg

The list of so-called "Republicans" from New York who hack me off has long included NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg. In a contest for the worst between him and Gov. Pataki, I’m not sure who I would pick. This week, it’s the mayor. The AP reports on July 5th that Bloomberg, testifying before a Senate committee, said that
Although they broke the law by illegally crossing our borders… our city’s economy would be a shell of itself had they not, and it would collapse if they were deported. The same holds true for the nation.
On the flip side, another city leader, Louis J. Barletta, mayor of Hazelton, PA, speaking at a hearing on illegals held in that state had this to say:
We must dig deep into the city’s accounts to pay for illegal immigrants, while illegal immigrants do not pay their fair share of taxes, either to the city, the county, the state, or the country.
Make no mistake about it- the numbers of illegals here in the US continue to rise at an alarming pace. Think about this slogan I saw recently: "The Pilgrims- doing the jobs native Indians won’t do." Why do we sit by and watch our country dramatically and irreparably changed from within?