Huge Turnout for Women’s Defense League “Hold The Line” Gun Rally

I’m not sure if it was a record crowd but I’ve been to the last three (of five) rallies, and this was the largest and then some. If you follow us on Facebook you’ve already seen the pictures. Status updates throughout the event included images of the speakers and the crowd. And yes, we have video of the entire event.

Skip will be sharing that in the coming days to stay tuned.

Until then, here are a few of the pictures from the event. Yes, just about everyone there, myself included, was wearing pearls.

Crowd Shot HTL Rally 2

Lisa Freeman HTL Rally Judy Aron HTL Rally Freedom Straws HTL Rally Crowd Shot HTL Rally 3 Jeanine Notter HTL Rally bob clegg HTL Rally Crowd Shot HTL Rally 2 Susan Olsen HTL Rally

Crowd Shot HTL Rally

And finally, I believe this is our Liberal tracker (white hat) – hiding up in the columns by the state house (my apologies if that is incorrect). Someone was called out from the podium so I tried to grab a few shots.

Look for selectively edited images of this event from someone wherever liberals cower.

Tracker HTL Rally tracker 1 HTL rally

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