Dover NH Bans 18-20 Year Olds in Possession of Tobacco from their Plantation

2410419-smoking_is_sexy_by_tayler_aleks-560x323 (1)Yesterday Dover, New Hampshire raised the age for buying tobacco products to 21. So, beware to anyone under 21 in possession of tobacco. If you wander onto the Dover plantation, you’ll be breaking the law.

The Garrison City will become the first municipality in the state to raise the age to legally possess, use and purchase tobacco products in Dover to 21 years old.

The City Council voted to approve the ordinance change on a 6-1-2 vote, with Ward 4 Councilor Marcia Gasses voting no, Mayor Karen Weston recusing, and Ward 6 Councilor Matthew Keane absent from the meeting.

It reminds me of the dangers of living near Massachusetts. If you happen to have your gun with you, don’t cross the border.

If you think you might have ammunition in the vehicle, even one round, don’t cross the border.

Dover isn’t Massachusetts and  Dover isn’t going to arrest you or send you to jail, but if you are under 21 and allowed to smoke everywhere else in the state, or the country, don’t get caught with a pack of smokes within the city limits.

The current age statewide to purchase, use and possess tobacco products is 18. However, the state law allows any county or municipality to adopt “local laws, ordinances, and regulations that are more stringent” than the state law.

The new ordinance will go into effect after the city publishes a notice in local media about the change, according to the ordinance.

That could be as early as Thursday.

Efforts at a state-wide ban for anyone under 21 has failed, but they keep bringing it back.

Now that Dover has made the leap all the other wanna-be trendy busy-body progressive ghettoes in New Hampshire will want to join in. That will be used to argue for momentum in favor of a statewide law.

I quit smoking over 20-years ago. Don’t care much for the habit or second-hand smoke but I’m no fan of government busy-bodies.

So, the same folks who have advanced the systemic cultural infantilization of future generations are using the law to take things away from the objects of their social engineering experiments because they aren’t mature enough (by design) to make their own decisions.

They have no intention of stopping at 21 or at cigarettes.

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