Gay Lobby Mega Donor Tim Gill is Coming for Your Religious Liberties

Tim Gill: "We're going to punish the wicked."
Tim Gill: “We’re going to punish the wicked.”

Tim Gill is a major donor to Democrat’s, the backbone of the gay-lobby, and has been at the forefront of funding gay marriage and other LGBT initiatives across America. What’s his next target?

Anyone who intends to hide behind their first amendment right of association, free speech, and religious liberty are in his crosshairs. He’s prepared to spend every dime in his foundations, and this is a quote, “to punish the wicked.”

No exceptions. No quarter.

His foot soldiers within the political arena are Democrats. They will be spending his money to push his agenda. The no religious liberty agenda. So why don’t we all start asking Democrat candidates around New Hampshire, “do you agree with Tim Gill that people who think they have a right to religious liberty in America are wicked?”

“Would you support no exceptions laws that prohibited your constituents from having the freedom of religious conscience?”

“If you do not support Tim Gill’s attack on religious liberty, do you openly oppose his stated goal, and distance yourself from his foundations, activists,  their money, and support?

“If you do support him when can we expect you to make a case for no religious exception in front of a mosque or Muslim center in the state?”

Feel free to craft your questions along those lines.

New Hampshire is full of left-wing Democrats who will support the agenda mega LGBT donor Tim Gill has laid out. They are behind him 100%. Rolling Stone has quoted him as referring to the defense and support of the American right to religious conscience as wicked. That’s a strong word.

Time to take a side.

If New Hampshire Democrats want to support Tim Gill’s agenda; make them say it in public. Get them on the record.

The Democrat party and Tim Gill and his troop of millionaires tied together fiscally for more than a decade. His money has poured in to support progressive groups and Democrat candidates. And now he openly admits to opposing any religious exceptions to his agenda, and he needs Democrats to make that happen.

OK. Who is with him?

Put Democrats the spot. Make them take a stand. Make progressive groups take a stand. LGBT, campaign finance reform, environmental, they are all tied together. Find them, ask them, quote them.

Get to it.

Then share it.


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